Attorney General: Eric Holder called us cowards. (what) ?
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He was talking about race relations. So he has the backbone to say what he feels. Is that bad?
He was talking about race relations. Stirring up the pot so to speak. I have to tell you that this race card is getting pretty annoying. I have friends of all nationalities, if anyone demands respect, well they have mine. I have black friends that have better paying jobs than I do, higher positions and they got there by hard work, effort and determination. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright like to keep things boiling, if they do not they would not make any money. I will tell you this, a black person can go into any white neighborhood without fear of being shot. He may get questioned by the police, but if a white person goes into the darkest areas of any urban city they probably will not come out alive. There are areas of town here where the cops will not go into. Black, white, red or yellow! Sorry if you do not like to hear it, just take a ride in any urban city at night and you will learn a quick lesson. Probably your last lesson though. There are some that will never be happy and will never like each other and there is very little anyone can to about it. I mean look at all the interracial marriages now, blacks and whites going to church together, working together, I mean what more does Holder want as far as peace? Just have to wonder.
John S.
Eric Holder has a big mouth on him and shouldn't be saying things like this if he is going to hold such a high office. But it speaks to his own arrogance and arrogance seems to be the predominant attitude of the Obama administration, originating from Chief Obama himself.
For an Attorney General to be calling the populace "cowards" is a bit scary because it shows a careless disregard if not a DISDAIN for perhaps millions of people. Do we really want someone who thinks this way to be in charge of applying and even helping to craft the laws of our land?
I don't think so.
So he opens his term with a big DING against him in the public eye (as if he even cares). These are the mindsets we DON'T want to be in charge of our society, but the nation should have realized this by examining Obama more closely before electing him versus voting for him out of disdain for the opposing party and with no other electable choice beyond Democrat.
Eric Holder is the guy who should have opposed Bill Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich and didn't. Marc Rich repaid Clinton by donating $70,000 to Hillary's 2000 senate campaign and $1.3 million to the DNC coffers.
Either Holder is corrupt like his boss, Bill Clinton, is or he is a coward for not speaking up against the Marc Rich pardon.
James L
He thinks we are cowards because not enough people have interacial personal friendships, by his reckoning. So what is he going to do? Force integration of your house? A chicken in every pot and a black man in every house? Seems kind of silly. He knows nothing about the personal relationships of people in America.