Muslims, What can Allah offer....?

You that the Lord Jesus Christ can't? What assurances do you have of a good afterlife? Jesus said that no man goes to the Father (God) except by Him.


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Squirrley Temple2009-02-21T13:16:20Z

Allah is God, the creator of the universe. We believe Jesus was a prophet, a man, not the son of God or God in the flesh. Equal to, but no greater than, any other prophet of God. all prophets, including Jesus, came with the same message, worship God and God alone.
We aren't so arrogant to believe that we are "saved" by grace, but that every person will be judged on judgment day according to his deeds. No man can bear the burdens of another.
Are you sure Jesus said that? Perhaps in the many translations the original words were obscured - perhaps Jesus meant "no man can come to God except by following my teachings" (which were teachings that God instructed him to teach.)
Christianity teaches that christians alone have exclusive rights to God and heaven. Islam teaches that anyone, christian, jew, muslim, anyone - can get into heaven if they believe, and work righteousness. (Qur'an 2:62)
Which philosophy do you honestly really believe God Himself would offer humans, the arrogant exclusiveness of modern christianity, or the all-encompassing grace and mercy of Islam? Even the bible says God doesn't want any to die in unbelief....
if you take the time with an open mind to read ALL of God's word, old testament (torah), new testament (gospel) and final testament (Qur'an) you will see a common theme.


Yes, you yourself are confused, first Jesus, pbuh, was son, now father, then spirit, what would next be?

In the Holy Quran, Allah or God the Almighty has revealed Jesus, pbuh, was just a Prophet of God, like all other prophets who were given miracles, to prove the existance of God.

Asif R2009-02-21T13:28:44Z

Thank you for asking a very good question about my religion.

We Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was sent as a Messenger and Prophet of God Almighty (ALLAH) to the Children of Israel, not for the whole humanity. You will find the words of Jesus in the Bible if you read it. So it was mandatory for Children of Israel who were present at that time to believe in him as Messiah and the Prophet of God (ALLAH). He was a man not a God or son of God. He was a Prophet of God (ALLAH) , neither he was killed nor crucified but he was raised up alive by God (ALLAH) to save His messenger from death and humiliation and we believe in his second coming.

Allaah says to the Christians (interpretation of the meaning):

“O people of the Scripture (Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of Allaah aught but the truth. The Messiah ‘Eesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), was (no more than) a Messenger of Allaah and His Word, (‘Be!’ — and he was) which He bestowed on Maryam (Mary) and a spirit (Rooh) created by Him; so believe in Allaah and His Messengers. Say not: ‘Three (trinity)!’ Cease! (it is) better for you. For Allaah is (the only) One Ilaah (God), glory is to Him (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allaah is All Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs”[al-Nisaa’ 4:171]

Allah is not the God of only Muslims but the whole universe. Allah (in Arabic) literally means "THE ONLY GOD WORTHY OF WORSHIP". If you read Bible in Arabic you will find that the word "ALLAH" is used in every single place where the word "GOD" is used in English Bible.

By worshipping God (ALLAH) alone without any partners we avoid associating partners and equals with ALLAH. Associating partners with God (ALLAH) is the greatest sin among all the sins and if a person dies in this condition, God (ALLAH) will never forgive him and Hell fire will be his eternal abode.


Allah can offer more than Jesus(pbuh) can because Allah(God) MADE him. We do believe in Jesus, he is one of the most highly revered prophets in the Quran. It just doesn't seem right or logical to us to worship another human being. It will be a sin to worship Muhammad(saw) as well. We also don't go to God through anyone but ourselves and our deeds.

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