OKay.. to end this breastfeeding/ formula feeding debate... question for breastfeeding moms (KINDA LONG SORRY)?

What is that really upsets you about moms who formula feed? Is it because it seems as if they think formula is best and don't realize the benefits of breastfeeding?

If I said that i formula feed by choice - and my choice being that i have done it because i was unprepared to be a mommy and had so much anxiety about it... in addition to postpartum depression.. I formula fed so i could take medication to help me provide my son with the best care. And so that my husband could help - who also thought in our situation formula feeding would be best.

I KNOW that breast is best.. and i give all mommies who do it so much credit! With my next I'm going to try it.. now that I am comfortable with caring for a newborn... and have learned so much as a mommy and how there are benefits with breastmilk that my son could never get with formula feeding.

However, there are still benefits to formula feeding... but even formula companies tell you on the can that 'breastmilk is best.' So basically.. is it the moms who won't give it a chance just because they don't feel like it that bother you? Sorry.. im just curious. I've gotten thumbs down for my answers simply because the world formula was in it...



okay wait.. how does breastfeeding make you a 'perfect mother' and not a perfect mother if you formula feed?? what does that have to do with ANYTHING?! and why do you need an EXCUSE to formula feed? why do you care?! im trying to figure this out and i can't.. i just dont understand. im not one who likes drama .. and i try to stay out of it.. but why is this an issue to so many? why do you care how other moms feed their children? its not like were beating them or something!! its crazy


Favorite Answer

I'm breastfeeding my son and I'm very proud of myself for doing it because it was hard at first. It was painful as heck and it's been hard getting the hang of it.

That said- NOTHING AT ALL upsets me in the least about mothers who choose formula for their babies. #1 it is none of my business in the least how a mother chooses to feed her baby. The baby is being fed so who cares? Another mother formula feeding her baby doesn't take away in the least from the fact that I'm breastfeeding my son.

#2 I formula fed my twins. They're 20 months old and they are in perfect health! They are so smart, happy, bonded to mommy and daddy, and they're just awesome! I can't go on enough about my twins who got formula!

So there you have it. To me it doesn't matter either way whether you breastfeed or formula feed. I'm so proud to be breastfeeding my son and happy that I stuck with the hard times but I would never ever in a million years judge a mother who made a different choice. Anyone who judges something like that REALLY needs to get a life. There are babies who are neglected and abused every day. There are babies who are starving because their mothers don't have clean water or adequate food. Shed tears and wring your hands over THOSE babies... not the ones who are being *fed* by their parents!


This doesn't at all end the formula vs breastfeeding debate. You're just putting more fuel in the fire.

If you don't need an excuse "and why do you need an EXCUSE to formula feed" then why did you give your excuse "If I said that i formula feed by choice - and my choice being that i have done it because i was unprepared to be a mommy and had so much anxiety about it... in addition to postpartum depression.. I formula fed so i could take medication to help me provide my son with the best care. And so that my husband could help - who also thought in our situation formula feeding would be best."

I breastfed my daughter for a while and stopped for a reason that is no ones business but mine. I intend to breastfeed my next child for a helluva lot longer.

We all know breast is best, some just chose not to try.

Personally, I don't care if you breastfeed or formula feed. Your child, your choice.

End of.


I personlaly think it is a personal choice. There are mothers who breastfeed and not the best moms and vica-versa. Of the 9 grandchilren on my side, 4 have had breast milk and the rest were formula fed. I breast fed both my boys until three months and after that it just didn't work out. My oldest has been healthier and my youngest has had tubes. There is a special bond during breast feeding that I never got even when I used a bottle (breast milk or formula). I also liked breastfeeding at night, because I didn't have a bottle to hold so I could doze off. I believe that breast feeding has its benefits, but again that is my belief. As a teacher, I honestly cannot tell you who was breast fed or had formula, who wore Pampers or had clothe diapers. What I can tell is if a child is loved and cherished at home or if the parent has his/her priorities mixed up. And you are right, you shouldn't have to make up excuses. As parents we will always face the dilema of are we doing the right thing for our children. No matter what you do, someone will disagree and you will feel the need to justify. Sometimes its just not worth it. I plan to breast fee my 3rd child, but there are no guarantees it will work as planned.


I totally agree with you! I breastfed for 4 months. I pumped so I that feeding during the night time would be easier! By 4 months my son DID NOT want anything to do with my breast. He wanted a bottle, after a while my milk slowed WAY down and had no choice but to go to formula. My son loves formula, he got what he needed from my breast milk. I am happy I made it as far as I did and hope that my next child will nurse longer. I am with you on this, I do not understand these woman. If there is a question that has to do with formula ATTENTION BREAST FEEDERS: Do not answer it ok! If there is a question about breastfeeding ATTENTION FORMULA FEEDERS: Do not answer! Ahh, glad to get that off my chest lol. I am for both formula and breast milk...breast milk is best, but not the only route.

Marissa C2009-02-22T12:14:15Z

I've done both breastfeeding and formula feeding. I don't have anything against women who formula feed but I don't understand why a mother would not at least attempt to breastfeed.

I mean, if it didn't work out or the mother didn't like it, fine. At least the effort was made. Babies benefit from any amount of breast milk, even if it's just colostrum.

With that said, I'm not here to beat anyone up over how they feed their baby. I've made my choices, they've made theirs. I don't see why some of the women here make it into a huge dramatic battle.

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