If a person was diabetic, and wanted to die, how many gummies would it take to do the job, and what time?
period are we looking at?
I'm not depressed...
I'm not depressed. I have moved beyond that to anger and rage. All the food on this planet is toxic to aliens like me. What is there for me to eat, so that I do not suffer from nutritional deprivation.
Guess I should get a faster method. Going blind, can't feel, can't see, soon can't work, just get it over with. No prolongation of suffering. Why remain here?
Favorite Answer
there is something else wrong here. did you lose you job so that you can't afford to eat better food? are people worthless if they can't eat what everyone else eats? to die of despair is just as horrible as dying of depression or starvation.
I don't know how you can say you are not depressed-that is usually the sign of a depressed person. Kind of like people saying "I'm not crazy" when they are diagnosed with MPD or something.
I am the victim of high blood sugar. I am only 21 years old and I have neuropathy in my legs, feet, toes, fingers, hands, arms and lips. My blood sugar tends to run very high and its very scary. It's a painful death, first of all, and the pain I am in now, just from having neuropathy, puts me in tears every night. I can't go out, I can't party, I can't have kids, I can't do much of anything.
You do need help, I would encourage you to see some kind of doctor. It's a hard and painful death because your body will do whatever it possibly can to stay alive. Taking insulin or allowing your sugar to skyrocket can cause coma more often than death. And most likely in a very VERY large amount of pain.
I wouldn't wish anyone this pain that I am suffering. I am depressed because of it, I am taking anti anxieties, and I am living day by day thankful to God that I am still walking on this earth.
What kills you is the constantly high blood sugars over many years. Eventually, after being diabetic for 20-30 years, your internal organs give out and you die VERY painfully.
Most people quickly recover from high blood sugar. The problem is that if they have a stroke while they are in a "sugar coma", they may recover from the coma to find that they are paralyzed or otherwise invalid. This usually means that they spend the next 20-30 years of their life in a nursing home.
to get into a diabetic shock, it would require significant spiking of blood sugar. say a # of 400. i can take some rapid ingestion of sugar and carbs to get high enough to go into a coma. also, please note that people who ingest pills like aspirin or sleeping pills like nembutal at an overdose level often vomit part of their stomach contents requiring additional pills. i don't recommend anyone killing themselves and especially in this manner. many people are unsuccessful but suffer permanent and debilitating damage as opposed to death.