Please give me ideas of exercise that I can do that won't suck. lol?

I recently lost 100 pounds. I woke having gained a few pounds today and am freaking out. Do you have any ideas of what will be good exercise and fun also? I was hoping exercise could become my new favorite hobby, but it isn't happening. Any input would be appreciated. My email address is if you want to contact me.

Just Me2009-02-24T06:33:02Z

Favorite Answer

CONGRATS ON THE 100. WOW. I'm very impressed. I know what that's like, I lost 80 in 7 months, but it crept back on me and ive gotten back down to my last 25 pounds. I'll get there by summer, i'm sure.

I enjoy the elliptical trainer while listening to some good dance music on my mp3, IPOD, or any other portable music device. But if you dont like that, put on some music videos in youtube or on the boob tube (lol) and DANCE. Close your door and dance, jam it out, baby. Its awesome cardio exercise. Jam like you would at the club but this time, nobody's watching you, so move it, shake it, melt it off. :P Do that for a good 30 minutes. Its fun and doesnt feel like exercise but it is.

plus, dont worry about the weight gain. It could be water retention or the fact that you just need to go to the bathroom. My scale jumps sometimes as much as 6.5 pounds in one day and goes away on its own through the forces of nature.

but dance. Its a good alternative


Sex is good.

Failing that:


Weight lifting

Star jumps

Sit Ups

Push Ups

Punching the air in front of you like the boxer you are ;) (Yeah i know, but every little helps)

A good one is to sit with your back against the wall and your knees at a 90 degree angle so that you look sort of like a chair. It sounds easy and stupid but it really works some muscles.

Anything that makes you lose breathe is good. I suggest my first option ;)

I think I need a shower2009-02-24T14:24:43Z

If you want to tighten up FAST do the military workout. It sucks for a few weeks but in no time you'll see results and that will keep you motivated.

Find out your ideal weight and then find the research for what is required at that weight/age


spin classes are a blast. Also try a boxing class at a real boxing studio. Amazing workout and you do not even realize it until after. The Wii fit is also a fun workout.


my gym teacher told me try to do 30 sits up in da morning nd at night ..nd 2 monthes dat should work.. but once u get use to doin 30 sits up go on to tying to do 60