Moving to Arizona... Scottsdale vs. Tempe?

Hello... I'm a 21 year old female and thinking about moving to Arizona soon.... I want to move some where that I can stay busy and to a place where there are plenty of things to do for fun. I'm moving with a friend of the same age and we are trying to find information on Tempe and Scottsdale... If any one could give me info on the pros and cons of both and which overall seems to be a better city, which rent is cheaper, which has more to do...I would really appreciate it!

Me Yo2009-02-25T21:28:43Z

Favorite Answer

I've lived in Phoenix most of my life. Both town are great. There is a lot of fun going on. It all depends on you social group. Stereotypically, Tempe is really of a college town and catersto the college lifestyle in everything from shops to bars. Most of the young people you find there go to ASU.

Scottsdale, however, caters more to the lifestyle of a young professional. Most of the young people that live there have already graduated and are in their careers. It is definitely a different group of people.

Another consideration is money. Cost of living in Scottsdale is almost twice that of Tempe.

Either way, you'll love Arizona. I do. Every first Friday head to downtown Phoenix for art exposes you will never forget.

Good luck


Tempe Tempe Tempe! I live in the Surprise area, but have friens in both Scottsdale and Tempe. There are a few nice things in Scottsdale, but there's a reason we call it "Snotsdale". If you aren't rich and taken care of by your parents while you go out and party pseudosophisticatedly with people busy also faking being sophisticated then you won't fit in. Tempe is a University town. They have TONS of things built around people between age 18 and 26 years old, and tons that can be appreciated by all ages. I have hardly any money and am willing to spend all of it on gas sometimes just to go to Tempe and watch street performers and lurk in the shops. It's fun, it's nice, and the people are friendly. I'm 22, so if you need any more info on where people our age hang out, let me know. My profile allows for email an IM.


Scottsdale is exp.! I would recommend Tempe. It's close to quite a few things, and traffic there isn't too bad. They do have a smaller local club scene, and that's probably the main thing that Scottsdale will win out on- they have more clubs. Other than that, Tempe is a great place with affordable housing and plenty to do. Also close to a lot of the cities (Chandler, Phx, Mesa, etc).

J Dub2009-02-26T12:01:31Z

Tempe and scottdsdale border each other. Even though scottsdale is more "expensive". Im sure the cost would be the same for Tempe and maybe south scottsdale. North scottsdale would qualify as Snottsdale.

Betcha can't even Moaneek.2009-02-25T21:53:49Z

I completely agree with Amanda.

If you don't have a tan,daddy's money,fake boobs,dyed hair,and eat sushi all day long,you probably won't fit in with the Scottsdale b*tches.

I'm not really a fan of the people that live in Tempe but yeah,there is a lot to do there and the town is fun. And I like shopping at Arizona Mills mall.

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