Why is there such a double standard with human rights and the US involvement?

Why is it that the same people (usually one specific political party to go un-named) that say that the United States should not be a police state and that we should get out of foreign lands that we have no "business" being in, seem to be the same people that say we should push our moral standards on in those same (or other) countries. Don't get me wrong - the human rights atrocities that occur in this world are reprehesible. I just don't "get" the double standard that says it is our "duty" to oversee some things and not others.


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If Americans traveled, they would realize all of us outside the USA are nothing like them, what so ever.

We don't have churches on one corner and fast food outlets or restaurants on the other. We also don't have people in the streets, accosting or soap boxing evangelism in public.

Americans need to understand we don't want this or Americanism in our countries either. If we did we'd go visit the USA, not have it in our back yards. Just as we don't want to push our way's of life or culture and customs onto Americans.

This is what Americans don't understand, that all global countries are unique to each other including their own country the United States.

This is where Americans need to step back from bringing and forcing their idealism's, religion, Puritanism and out of date laws into other sovereign countries and respect the people who live there.


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