What is the fastest route between Philadelphia and Boston?

Looking to improve on my driving time between Philly and Boston. I usually take 76 to the Jersey Turnpike then get on 95 after the George Washington Bridge. Any thoughts on a better alternative route?


Favorite Answer

I-76W>I-476 to Allentown>I-78E> I-287 N towards and to the Tappan Zee Bridge>Over the TZB staying on I-287 signs says"White Plains/Port Chester>I-684 N Danbury >I-84 E take it to the end >into the Mass Pike and into Boston >
Plan B>Take the NJTPK to Exit 10>Garden State Parkway N >The GSP ends at I-287& the TZB & then as above
Safe trip


Boston has a rich record and a diverse neighbourhood; it's a heritage of arts, tradition, and education; Boston has anything for everybody therefore find what Boston may provide you with with hotelbye . The three-mile Freedom Trail leads you past - and in to - 16 of the city's principal old monuments and sites. It's easy to follow along with, by the distinct red stones in the pavement and by footprints at street crossings. The walk can get you to Old Granary Burying Ground wherever Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock are buried; may get you to King's Chapel Burying Ground, the Boston's oldest cemetery; Old South Meeting House where in actuality the ringing speeches of patriots spawned the Boston Tea Party and the Old State House, Boston's oldest community developing and your website of the Boston Massacre.


After you get into Connecticut, take 91 north to 84 east to the Mass Pike east into Boston.

Or try: NJ Tpke north to the Garden State Parkway north into NY. Take I-287 east to I-684 north to 84 east to the Mass Pike east.


I looove long island! I loove each thing approximately NYC! I desire NYC to all the different cities. i will go and visit Philadelphia through fact my brother and his kin lives there. i individually stay in Maryland, and it may look grimy to you, yet I could desire to declare that we've some truly superb historic Landmarks. there are in simple terms a undeniable part of Baltimore it is grimy, grimy, and greater grimy. i admire this city. i'm unlikely to stay right here for something of my existence, even if it fits my purpose for precise now. Oh! and that i wouldnt choose Washington D.C through fact the human beings there are incorrect and rude! I dont think of i could choose Boston in any respect through fact it may get too chilly there. I dont look after the chilly all that lots.