When Obama announced cuts regarding medicare advantage plans were you surprised?

Obama wants to lower payments to Medicare advantage plans. Many will be pulling out or raising the cost to the consumer.

The plan below is an example of a company who provides coverage under the advantage plan. . They may have to pull out .


My neighbor is a cardiac patient who is on medications that would total almost 400 a month. This plan allows her to stay on her meds at a much lower cost.

I was so shocked that he chose to hurt the seniors while claiming to increase health benifits for all.
What are your thoughts on this ?




Favorite Answer

It doesn't surprise me at all, he is got to cut the money somewhere for all those bail outs , why not start with the seniors , who have been working and paying their taxes all these years.


Not at all. I think you will see that his long range plans include more control on the elderly and even to the point of government mandated cutoff of care for terminal diseases in people over age 65 and later to include mandatory euthanasia.


Nothing governmental surprises me (regardless of administration)

Moon Raker2009-02-27T09:35:44Z

Agree with Paul


He has no respect for human life,I'm not surprised.

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