Why does Obama want you to STOP donating so much money to Charity?
That's right! Under the new OBAMA tax plane if you married and have a combined income of 250K you will no longer be able to deduct charitable donations. This is a fact! Don't respond saying its not true without a link showing proof that I'm wrong. My question is WHY is he doing it? Here are your choices:
1) Obama doesn't want to help the needed either in the country or anywhere. He doesn't donate more than a few hundred dollars of his money and neither should you.
2) Obama does care about poor people and he does know that private charities are more efficient in than government programs. But his desire for centralized control is more important to him?
3) Obama realizes private charities are more effective than government charities so he needs to destroy private charities. Why so there will become more dependence on the government as inefficient as they are to provide the help.
4) 1, 2, 3 are all correct
5) 2 and 3 are correct
6) Obama is stupid and didn't realize that his policies would result in less charitable contributions.
7) I'm stupid for asking the question. People will continue to donate just as much money as before regardless of the tax consequences.
8) Your own unique answer....
Thanks. My answer BTW is 5) answer 2 and 3 are correct. 4) could also be true but we don't know if he doesn't donate because he doesn't want to help people (I don't think he has sent is half brother any money do you?) or because he is against individuals helping people out without be forced to do so by the government.