♥What annoys Jews more? JWs claiming HaShem is Jehovah & the Tanakh says so OR Xians calling Jesus Messiah?

I am just curious here, since i just answered a question in which 8 cult members TD'd the mess out of my answer, because I stated that "Jehovah" is NOT the sacred Name.


As a Christian, naturally I believe in Christ; BUT i am well aware that little to none of those of the Jewish Faith accept Him as Messiah. And those deemed Messianic Jews are considered by Orthodox and/or Contemporary Jews as Apostates. (So, i try to be respectful). (Long story short the extended family is Jewish, and practices).

That being said, Most Christians (including myself) get extremely annoyed with the pontificating of various pseudo-christian cults that profess to know "literal greek" and "literal hebrew" when they do not.
(I know limited words and definitions, but i do not put on pretense). Also, it is extremely annoying to Real Jews who actually DO know Hebrew.

So anyways, I am just wondering: Which of the TWO things is more annoying to a Real (practicing) Jew?
1) JWs and various PC Cults claiming "Jehovah" is the Divine Name in Scripture, OR
2) Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah?

Thanks. xoxo ♥


*edit* IF you check the link, obviously you'll see that several uneducated became highly offended. Especially when i stated that NO Jew who read the Torah would call G-D "Yahweh" neither would he tried to have pronounced the TG, he would've said "Adonai" or "Elohim" and et cetera.

What?? Was I wrong to state this? It IS truth, is it not? *sighs*

Thanks for taking the time to answer this question. xoxo ♥


*edit* Hey, these are good answers. And i agree. People need to learn to get along, not starts arguments over stupid things. To better oneself on all levels, throughout life is a blessing. xo


*edit* To Ruth and Mamapajama: I sincerely thank you for your input.

I find that there are a TON of misconceptions whereas it concerns religion on here. Not just intolerance, but a total lack of respect.
I think you both bring out very valid points. And i do not find it offensive when members of the Jewish community on Y!A assert that Christianity is not Judaism; as i know this is fact.
(as mentioned the extended family are practicing. I believe in Christ but i would not attend a BarMitzvah and start preaching about Jesus. It isn't a matter of shame, it is a matter of respect.))

Respect is lacking, especially on this site and honestly i remain embarrassed by the FSMs that attack others.
Forcing ones beliefs upon another with hatefilled diatribes really needs to stop.
I think if more people actually Listened to one another, instead of always trying to be right, the world would be a better place.
Thanks again. xoxo ♥


*edit* plushy: Yes, yes, i can understand the sentiments. You'd be surprised (or maybe not) at how often that occurs. BUT if it makes you feel any better, other Xians attack me also, saying the same things. *sighs*

Maybe it is just me personally, but i take real offense to a perversion of my Scriptures, and what i consider to be divine. Rip my clothing i would at some of the heresies taught. (like man can become a god, and be equal to G-D Eternal. YET, i can sympathise as, how can one claim Jews don't know their Tanakh or what it says, especially by one who neither reads nor speaks hebrew? Even a few learned words and phrases is not reason enough to persecute and condemn someone else. Aside from the anti-semitisim prevalent in a good deal of so-called Christian churches who neglect through ignorance that what is the OT is technically Jewish Scripture. *sighs*
Anyways, thank you, to you also. xoxo ♥


PS: My Zadie (stepfather's father) died almost three years ago. I do not believe that God, in his goodness, sent him to hell. Zadie loved G-D, therefore I believe that G-D loved Zadie.
I get REALLY upset when fellow Xians (as i am one) tell me, that he went to hell.
I do not believe this to be true, at all.
Anyways, thanks again to ALL. xoxo ♥


*edit* DJ: I understand where you are coming from, honestly; but in all fairness to call God "Jehovah" is one thing (it's an ENG translation) but to state that THAT is his name, is another.
Also, Jews never removed G-Ds name from the "Bible" (or Scripture). It is out of respect and reverence (to not profance the Name of G-D).
And, no the pronounciation isn't "known" as a fact. And THAT was part of my point (in the other answer).
HaShem is G-Ds name (it means "The Name") and NO JEW calls G-D Eternal "Yahweh." Adonai, Elohim, El but never "Yahweh."
Eyn keyloheynu not Eyn keyahwehnu lol *sighs*
Also, NO Jeremiah is Yir'mi'yahu, Isaiah is Y'shayahu. AND also Jesus & Joshua though steming from the same root are not pronounced the same. Jesus is Y'eshua not Y'hoshua.
Anyways, i do understand where you are coming from (honestly) & thank you for your answer, but there are so many misconceptions it's maddening sometimes. I don't think that God minds but it isn't His proper name xo♥


*edit* Chris: I think it was Your question that i answered. In any case, I am not trying to be offensive. You most certainly have the right to believe what ever you want to. And, you should be entitled to, freely.
My whole point in that LONG answer, lol was that ... "Jehovah" is not the Divine Name. And i get REALLY tired of seeing this false statement argued as if it is truth. It REALLY bothers me, and i am sorry if that offends you. But IF you actually studied, you would see this.

I know a whole heck of A LOT about JWs. I actually own an NWT (the JW "Bible") & i also study doctrines.
A lot of people know a few GK, HEB/ARM words also BUT to pontificate as JWs do claiming that Jews (who can actually READ & SPEAK hebrew) don't even know the "real" name of their G-D REALLY bothers me.
Let me ask you, how many Rabbis are in the Kingdom Hall you attend? None?
Then how can you read a book like "Insight" & claim to know HEB? let alone claim that Jews know nothing about anything?


*sighs* In anycase, i was not meaning to offend you. You are as free to believe what you want to, as everyone else is.
But it is an overstated fact that the WRB&TS (JWs) LIE about Scripture, and this from their origins as a cult formed in the 1800s.

Anyways, my point was not to offend, but to clarify. As, JWs like to argue about words and take Scripture out of context, and certain things really BOTHER me. My answer was not offensive to you, and was not intended to be as such. I just become REALLY tired of hearing the "jehovah" debate because it is a false notion. That He is called that in English is one thing, but to claim that he is called that in Hebrew is another.
Anyways, that's that. I hope that i didn't offend. Thanks. xoxo ♥


*EDIT* sorry for the spelling errors above; i was typing fast. xoxoxo ♥

✡mama pajama✡2009-03-04T16:07:46Z

Favorite Answer


We know Jews don't call God by those names, and Jews know Jesus is not the Davidic Messiah, but neither of those things is as "annoying" as identity theft.

edit: I wish to note..these two things can be more annoying than anything if the person insisting them gets nasty or aggressive..Overall, in my every day life, I don't bother to think about Christian beliefs much. I am friends with many Christians. I have a few family members that are Christians. Until or unless they're trying to convert me, they misrepresent an aspect of my faith or they're hateful to me and try to base it on their belief, I get along with most folk. I try be respectful and tolerant of the right of individuals and groups to have their own unadulterated culture, customs and beliefs. My tolerance extends to the point where the expression of those beliefs violate certain standards of behaviors: If they attempt to violate another’s civil rights, seek to incite harm to anyone, willfully deceive another or misrepresent the beliefs of others then my tolerance ceases.

the evangelical Hebrew Christians who call themselves Jews when their doctrine utterly violates Torah precept and then cry "persecution" when Jews of EVERY branch on EVERY" continent speak to this truth.

It is worse than annoying,. It is creating antisemitism when they claim they are "persecuted" for belief in Jesus in utter falsehood.
They are most definitely free to believe whatever they want to believe. Mazel Tov on their choice of following the New Testament doctrine.

They simply will never ever be able to call it Jewish belief without Jews being forced to speak out to declare that is not true if they wish to call worship of or through a human a form of Judaism.

If a Devil worshipper were to call themself a "completed Christian" I think it would be expected that Christians would not respect that. Jews do not like to see Judaism misrepresented and Jewish identity hijacked. If there was someone insisting on misrepresenting Jewish belief and Jews pointed that out with clear evidence that isn't something that should be declared hostile.

The assault to the rights of Jewish people to maintain Jewish identity through Jewish law is hostile to Jews and is creating antisemitism considering they're also teaching in falsehood that Jews hate them because they believe in Jesus! That essentially says Jews hate Christians for their belief..which is another lie. We just want them to stop calling themselves as following Judaism so that we don't have to keep coming along behind them to say..no, you're not. God defined in the Torah what is and isn't of the eternal covenant and the New Testament is contradictory to it. It is not Judaism.

it is not bigotry to declare that Judaism is not Christianity.

There is no branch of Judaism known as "Messianic Judaism" because ALL of Judaism *is* messianic...meaning that the Jewish religion's tenets of faith contain belief in the promises by God of a Davidic messianic age. Judaism is the original messianic religion so it would be a nonsense term to say non messianic Jew.
The concept and job description of the term messiah in the Tanakh is simply VERY different from that of the New Testament

ALL branches of Judaism are in complete agreement that this assault to Jewish identity by people who profess faith in the doctrine of the New Testament is not telling these people what to believe, but just trying to inform the world that these people are not being honest when they hijack the identity of the Jewish people.

We currently have no other name to call them than what they were FORMERLY known as, Hebrew Christians. The Messianic Jewish Alliance of America was known by that name from it's beginning in 1915 until 1975. The term "Messianic Judaism" began around 1967 according to "Christianity Today" magazine. Their statements of faith are in contradiction to the statements of belief of every form of Judaism on planet earth. Every Chief Rabbi and Jewish organization of every branch on every continent you find Jews and every Jewish user from five continents here in Yahoo that I've seen posting on this issue are in full agreement. This isn't a schism within Judaism, It isn't Judaism.

Yahoo Answers is supposed to be a place where people seek knowledge and factual information. If Jews did NOT speak out when Judaism and Jewish identity is being misrepresented, that would mean that false information is condoned as fact. That should not be acceptable to ANY honest person using Yahoo as it is intended, Jew or Gentile. In fact, because Jews are so few in number, we hope that more people will stop turning a blind eye to this and also speak out for honesty.

Jews do not believe God is exclusive to us..but we believe that we must be exclusive to God. Worship of or through a Jew is a violation of Torah to do.


EDIT: Thank you for your respect!
How appropriate you bring up a Bar Mitzvah. I'm married to a non-Jew. He isn't Christian, but the majority of his family is practicing Christian. My Christian in-laws, nephews and nieces attended our son's Bar Mitzvah recently and enjoyed it tremendously. They were utterly fascinated to hear the Torah portion and a portion of the Prophets in Hebrew. I was of course beaming with pride that my son did so wonderfully and wrote a wonderful d'var Torah ( talk on the portion) AND afterward, my Christian brother in law,a "semi-professional" singer, who also sings a solo at his church each Christmas from Handel's Messiah...sang at my son's reception. Of course he would have never disrespected us to sing anything to do with Christianity. He even sang Hine Mah Tov..a well known song that is from Psalms in HEBREW just for the occasion. The lyrics say in English translation " how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity"

We can respect one another and respect that we have different beliefs. Yes, that's the best way to get along in the world IMHO.

(ps I know that last bit veered from the q but I just wanted to share )
ANOTHER EDIT: That speaks to an ANNOYANCE of mine.

DJ just said that Jews were responsible for God's name being removed from the Bible! NONSENSE.

The Torah scrolls used today are identitcal to the oldest Torah's known and God's name is in all of them. It is a violation of a commandment that has always been taken VERY seriously by scribes for thousands of years..to alter even the tiniest portion of Torah.

There is NO Jewish Bible that has ever had God's name removed.
I have seen that false accusation made a number of times in Y/A and several times had people argue with me about it even when I linked them to the Orion Center in Israel, home of the Dead Sea Scrolls that confirm that the oldest known Tanakh's have God's name in them in the same places as those in use today in synagogues around the world.



We find this in the Hebrew version of the Tanakh, as interpreted according to Jewish tradition since before the time of Jesus, if he existed - you'll get a bunch of great answers and website links to this, Paperback Writer always coming through, but the short version is that some of the passages Christians think refer to the messiah, Jews think don't, that some of the passages Christians think refer to the messiah are mistranslations (the virgin birth, e.g.), and that some of the passages we all agree talk about the characteristics of the messiah are interpreted differently by the two religions. One of them is that Judaism has never found anything in the book we wrote and think we get dibs on interpreting (I know, lame argument, but we feel that way) about a return visit. I could say Paris Hilton hasn't fulfilled the prophecies but might return in 3000 years and do it, but it would sound kinda goofy. That's how we think about the second coming of Jesus - it seems fabricated post-Jesus, in line with other local religious beliefs at the time, as a lame excuse for why the messiah didn't do what the messiah is supposed to do. Like bring peace on earth. It's really nothing personal about Jesus. We don't think about Jesus, who is not discussed in Judaism. To a Jew, when the messiah comes there will be peace on earth. We look, there is no peace on earth, so we know the messiah has not yet arrived. You'd get better answers not asking this on Yom Kippur, on which day I would like to add, I hope my words have not offended you and apologize if they have; that was not my intent.


answer: Most Jews I know don't worry too much about either except that some Christians seemed VERY determined to prove to Jews Jesus was the Jewish messiah and won't let up.

1) JWs and various PC Cults claiming "Jehovah" is the Divine Name in Scripture - despite the mistranslation and wishful thinking - Jehovah and Yahweh are NOT the sacred name of G-d. No one knows the name of G-d any longer. The name Yvhv wasn't written with vowels included and has been lost to time.

2) Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah? - Despite how many times Jews point out that Jesus couldn't have been the Jewish Messiah, Christians will see otherwise and stick to their mistranslations and out-of-context verses of the OT and not explore the actual Tanakh.

Christianity is a wonderful religion. Nothing says G-d couldn't have used Jesus and Paul to spread monotheism to the pagan gentiles. Tacking on the title of Jewish Messiah on Jesus was incorrect, however. Declaring Jesus divine was probably in error as well.

Divinity proves Jesus wasn't the messiah.

# # #

Pleasure and thanks for being tolerant and understanding.

Kosher Ninja Chick JPA2009-03-04T16:59:27Z

Honestly I don't think we get annoyed by those two things, because we respect that Christians hold those beliefs.

The one issue that DOES infuriate us is when Christian evangelists go round posing as 'messianic jews'.

99% of Messianics were *never* Jews to START WITH!

Messianics are ***literally*** not Jewish.
Just as Hindus are literally not Jewish.
Just as Catholics are literally not Jewish.

And a Jew who becomes a Christian = a Christian

There is no 'messianic' group in Judaism.

Every single Jewish movement - worldwide - has publicly condemned the Messianics. As have many Christian movements! Even Billy Graham has openly condemned their deceit in pretending to be 'jews' when they are not.

This issue aside, we don't have any problem with our Christian friends :)

(though yes, of course it can get a tad irritating when ***some*** Christians tell us that we have 'misunderstood' our own scriptures.....!)

To read more, check out 'The Missionary Position' at http://ajewwithaview.blogspot.com


I wouldn't use the word annoying but what concerns me the most is that people continue to de detracted by the various religions at all.

We consistently refuse to look and see the truths that the core of all religions point to.

Someone said "it's all fingers pointing at the moon." Instead of looking at the moon people are detracted by all the fingers pointing at it.

There is One Life on this planet. All religions point to IT. We are grown enough now as a people to understand.

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