I smoked a little under half an ounce about 4 weeks ago, and I don't smoke often (obviously if I'm asking this question). I'm female, 5'8, 210 and have a piss test next week. Will I be safe for it? Or do I need to start taking preventative measures?
space lord2009-03-06T11:09:17Z
Favorite Answer
You'll pass, no problem. 4 weeks is plenty of time.
you should be fine if its been a month, but for the future, the best thing to do is drink lots and lots of cranberry juice the chemicals in it clean out the fat where the THC is stored. and dont work out because working out causes you to sweat the dormant THC and make it stay in your system longer
it is rare for weed to stay in your system longer than 30 days, at your weight it is possible, go by walmart and get one of those tests they sell for testing your kids, if you are really worried a product called "quick fix" has been used by friends of mine with good results, just google it