Basic Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina...?

What will it be like?

I've heard it be called "Relaxin' Jackson."

Will I have my own room or be in a barracks with beds and all the other recruits?

Do you know of a website with photos of the military installation at Fort Jackson, especially of the living quarters?

What about Fort Huachuca, Arizona? Is it a nice place?


Favorite Answer

I shipped to Fort Jackson in July of 2007 for Basic Training. You will be in barracks (a bay) with 50-60 other soldiers with close bunks. The showers are open with 8 shower heads in the room but there are dividers in between. There is AC but sometimes it breaks and it gets too hot to sleep. You perform night guard as all branches of the Military do which is 2 hours of bay maintenance during the night. The layout is simple why do you need your own room? You are only in the bay to sleep. The drill sergeants come over loud speakers yelling "wake up! wake up!" and the lights are turned on at 0545 everyday and the lights go out at 2100 every night. As with Ft. Huachuca im not sure. Good luck through basic!


South Carolina Basic Training


Slogans are only a facade. I attended OSUT Fort Benning (toughest training) however there's nothing so relaxin about Fort Jackson.

We do combat live fire, convoy live fire, squad and partner live fire courses all while on the move and still maintaining accuracy in our shots. and thats just in basic training. In Infantry AIT we do even more advanced training with M16, M4, M203, SAW, M240, 50. cal, claymore, C-4, and the AT4, all of these are also fired at the army basic training no matter what your MOS. And the army Combatives (UAC) is also some of the the best hand to hand combat training you can get anywhere. I am myself a level 2 and planning on going all the way to 4. Also people from other branches need to come to the army to get advanced training. I'm also extremely proud of Rangers, green berets, knowing that theres nothing that can come close to compare to us. So its easy to see the Army is by far the best fighting force in the world which would explain the amount of soldiers being sent to war is much higher because they want to send soldiers that know how to fight over there : )

Training never ends for Infantryman. We dont complete basic OSUT and resolve as a electrician, cook, exc... Three years from now we'll still be training in combat weapons. It's our job. Infantryman are the real deal : )


it is a joke. jacko is the easiest basic. it is also a coed basic, so there will be females in your company.

benning and sill are supposedly tougher but in tradoc they worry so much about injuring the sensitive soldiers that you will be left wanting more.

what happens after an easy basic is soldiers go to war and then commit suicide because they had prior mental issues. then liberals blame the army and bush/obama and the war, not knowing the facts or caring to know them.

ft. huachuca doesnt have a lot in the form of family services. its in the desert on the mexico border. for me it has a distinctive feeling of a classic frontier post.


LOL. In basic you will be in an open bay with about 59 other soldiers

I don't think they have pictures of the barracks but this site can give you some info.

Never been Ft. Huachuca but never heard anything bad about it.

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