Need a good laptop. (brand)...?

i am getting a laptop and was wondering what type of laptop should i get..... it has to be under 1000 cause im kinda on a budget (lol)


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If you want personalized, reliable and quick advice, you should check out ( They have a recommendation engine that ranks Laptops / Notebook Computers based on ratings and reviews from a community of trusted IT professionals. They also have an effective personalization slider that lets you personalize the results based on the criteria that are most important to YOU.

Hope you'll find this answer useful.

James B2009-03-07T17:18:20Z

dont get compaqs or hps - their specs seem 2 be good, but the computers are actually really bad. dells r good, maybe u can get a higher-end inspiron or a bottom of the line xps. xps's are really good. you could always get the Macbook from Macmall. its 929 right now and comes with all these goodies. that has good graphics. hps and compaqs overheat a lot, and they're uber-uncool. go for the macbook or an xps.


Dell, is one of the most reliable companies, i have a 9 year old dell laptop and it can run windows vista fast.


If you haven't already, check out the newer mini-laptops (aka netbooks). You can get most of them for under 600.

Dell has an Inspiron-Mini that's fairly decent:

Jacob L2009-03-07T16:44:36Z

I got a Toshiba for my birthday last year and i wasn't happy with it my grandparents have a Compax and I LOVE it I was stick with a HP or Compax

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