Does anyone ever regret,,,,,?

,,,,,that they can only block 200 idiots?


I don't do it to block them,really.I just like the little red o with the slash through it.It tells me what kind of person wrote the questions or answers without having to read their drivel.

Eartha W2009-03-13T00:23:24Z

Favorite Answer

Effing hell!! I didn't even KNOW I had a limit. That is so bad. What if the trolls all gang up on a person and just get over the they can get you no matter what you try to do to protect yourself!!

yahoo sucks ...oranges through exhaust pipes!!!


Since i"m over 13 years old, I have no need to block people.


no need to block...this whole's site's full of em...the best way to block it all out is not to get on here.


I never block anybody. It gives you wrinkles.


real men don't block people, or use the report button.