Who was Suleiman the Magnificent?

I have a big test on Monday and this is a section I forgot to take notes on...if you answer 1 or 2 of these questions it would be really really great!
Thanks alot for the help.

1. Other than conqust, what was Suleiman known for
2. What is Suleimania and what is it used for other than worship?
3. What was Suleiman's trade?
4. What position did Ibrihim hold under suleiman?

Melissa M2009-03-14T13:43:26Z

Favorite Answer

Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Caliph of Islam.Suleiman had İbrahim killed.

♂ ♫ Timberwolf2009-03-14T20:38:38Z

She is known as the octomom.

Oops, sorry, that would be Nadya Suleman.