I am being hit for back sales tax from my business that has been closed!?

I just found I have 18 tax warrants for back sales tax from a business I did own but has been closed.The taxes are for the years I was not in business and the Indiana dept of revenue says they never got my BC100.I did resend all info back through my tax agency and now I am being hit up by collection agency using strong arm tactic's.The tax debt is over $20000 for the years I was closed and my tax preparer said this should be taken care of when they(In dept of rev) get my information.

The collection agency says you are refusing to pay and we can garnish you pay(I am on SSI) and I cannot afford any trouble.They also claim I am free loading and just wont pay my bills is all.The intimidation is getting to me!

I dont owe this money but the paper work must have not been processed yet what can I do!

Bostonian In MO2009-03-16T04:25:02Z

Favorite Answer

Tell the collection agency to pound sand and stop calling you. Have your accountant contact the state and call off the dogs.

Collection agencies are all bark and little bite. They can't sue without proof of debt and in your case there won't be any. They cannot garnish wages (and SSI cannot be touched anyway) without a court order. They must stop phone calls when you tell them to do so, though they can keep up the written collection campaign via mail. Just forward their demands to your accountant and let him or her deal with it. Or just ignore it if the issue really has been cleared up by your accountant.

Once you get confirmation that the issue has been settled with the state, send them a copy of the proof and tell them that you will turn it over to your attorney if they keep making hollow threats about a non-existent issue.