is it just me? (tampon questions)?

ok, maybe this is just me but:

I tried tampons for the first time on my last period (I've been having periods for about 8 years but I just never got around to trying tampons until my last period).

I used a regular Playtex gentle glide tampon and it went in with no problems and it was positioned correctly and all that jazz.

But when it came time to take it out, i had to pull pretty darn hard (and the tampon was very saturated).

So, is it just me that has to pull the darn thing really hard (i was relaxing my muscles meaning i was pushing to help get it out)?

i'd just like some reassurance lol


aubrey, i was doing that at first, but it still wasn't moving...maybe i wasn't relaxing as much as i thought i was...


Favorite Answer

Yes they should be quite hard to remove. Its so they dont just fall out when your walking. Its perfectly normal hun


relaxing your muscles doesn't mean using your muscles to help push it out. Try actually RELAXING them - meaning, not using them.


the first time i started wearing tampons it felt hard to get out for me
I wear them everytime and eventually your hymen will break so it should be fine