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Max!(: asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

A few tampon questions? And some basic period questions?

I'm 14 years old and first started my period at 11. I think I want to start wearing tampons. Pads are gross feeling, and limit things I am able to do (Run, stretch in a certain way, swim, all because I think it's going to leak through..). I am very paranoid about leaking through, FYI. I'm getting better about it, but it's still to the point where I look gothic when I'm on, I isolate myself so there is no chance of anyone seeing me leak through, etc. Pretty bad, right? Haha.

ANYWAYS. I think a tampon will help ease fears a little bit, plus, I'll be able to go swimming. I'm going to Six Flags Tuesday and started today. My friends are probably going to want to go swimming, so I either can't go, or I have to wear a tampon.

Tampon questions:

1. Does it hurt when you put it in? Some people say it's just uncomfortable, others say it hurts.

2. Which leaks through easier, a pad or tampon?

3. Can I wear a Heavy tampon all the time? That's what I do with I said, paranoid.(: Plus, the heavy ones just stick better, and are more comfy to begin with..

4. How likely would it be to get TSS after wearing it for 7 hours everyday? I don't like purses, so I got by middle school with just wearing the heavy pad all say long. With the tampon, am I going to have to change it, or would 7 hours be okay? In highschool I can carry a backpack. Middle school you can't though, that's why I went all day with only one pad.

5. This is going to sound VERY odd, but I think I remember someone telling me this, so whatever. When you poop, do you have to take the tampon out? Or can it stay in? Same for peeing?

6. If you take a dirty tampon out, can you put it back in? For instance, if it was in wrong, and you just needed to fix it? Or would you have to change to a new one?

7. Do you take it out, to take a shower?

Period questions:

1. Did you tell your dad? It'd be nice for him to know, so if I ever needed him to pick something up, he could...but me and him aren't very close. I'm a mama's girl..and just can't get along with him, haha.

2. Is a lot of white discharge normal soon before you start? Or is the white discharge normal at all?

Thank you.


Haha, to the one about my dad, I told my mom not to tell him, haha. She might have, but I begged her not to...That was when I was 11 though.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't worry. I was scared to wear tampons cause I was afraid of them not holding and leaking and what not which did happen a couple times but, What happens, happens.You should probably start wearing tampons today or tomorrow just so you can get use to them. So on with the questions...

    Tampon Questions:

    #1. Some of my friends say that when they put their Tampons in the first time it hurts. I don't find that it hurts at all. It only hurts me when I'm not bleeding that much so it's kinda dry down there and so it hurts a little. But if it is your first time ever wearing a tampon, it will prolly hurt and be a little uncomfortable. But you will soon get use to it.

    #2. A pad gets full. So does a Tampon. It all depends on how heavy your period is. If your period does not fill that heavy pad up after 7 hours of school, then you can probably wear a heavy tampon for atleast 4 hours or more. But since you are just now wearing Tampons, you will deffinetly probably be a little bit more paranoid about it leaking. That's why I suggest to go ahead and get use to them now.

    #3. Tampons are smaller and hold less then Pads [or atleast I think so]. So I would say that a tampon is less likely to hold more than your pad. But it you are worried about it leaking through. Wear a slim panty liner in your bathing suit so just incase it does leak out, it wont be shown to the world.

    #4. I don't think you would get TSS. The first website that I posted below tells you a lot about TSS Close to the middle part of the page. Go read that! It is very helpful!

    #5. No, you don't have to remove the tampon when you go to the bathroom. Although I would just to make sure that your not gonna leak through like 5 minutes after you leave the bathroom.

    #6. NEVER NEVER NEVER! Never try to stick a tampon in you without a applicator. Just put a new Tampon in.

    #7. I take mine out when I take a shower cause the blood just goes down the drain. There's no point in keeping it in when you don't have to. And plus you don't want soap to go up in your tampon or anything. So I take them out but I guess that's personal choice. I would deffinetly tho. :)

    Periods in General Questions:

    #1. My mom told my dad. And then we were having a discussion at the dinner table that night and my dad announced to everyone [which was my 3 brothers!!!] that I had started my period... GOD IT WAS EMBARRASSING!

    #2. White Discharge is normal over all. Well I have it to so I'm guessing it is normal since I'm not the only one that has it.

    I HOPE THIS HELPS YOU! I posted 2 websites below that Will help you with almost all your questions. HAVE FUN W/ YOU FRIENDS AT SIX FLAGS!!! -xoxo Also! Feel free to IM me or Email me if you have anything else to ask!

    Source(s): Maybe some of these websites will help: I'm 14 and gonna be a Freshman to. I know your worries! -xoxo
  • 1 decade ago

    Tampon answers:

    1. Does it hurt when you put it in? IT SHOULDN'T HURT IF IT'S INSERTED CORRECTLY.



    4. How likely would it be to get TSS after wearing it for 7 hours everyday? TSS HAPPENS AFTER LEAVING THE TAMPON IN AFTER 8 HRS OR MORE

    5. This is going to sound VERY odd, but I think I remember someone telling me this, so whatever. When you poop, do you have to take the tampon out? Or can it stay in? Same for peeing? YOU SHOULD REALLY CHANGE THE TAMPON EVERY TIME YOU GO TO THE BATHROOM. BUT FOR SURE IF YOU HAVE A BOWEL MOVEMENT. THE FECES COULD GET ON THE STRING AND CAUSE BACTERIA...


    Do you take it out, to take a shower? YOU DONT HAVE TO TAKE IT OUT UT YOU SHOULD STILL CLEAN THE VAGINAL AREA....

    Period questions:

    1. Did you tell your dad? I DIDN'T It'd be nice for him to know, so if I ever needed him to pick something up, he could...but me and him aren't very close. I'm a mama's girl..and just can't get along with him, haha.

    2. Is a lot of white discharge normal soon before you start? Or is the white discharge normal at all? I'VE NEVER HEARD THIS B4....IS IT THICK AND COTTAGE CHEESY? DOES IT ITCH? IF SO,THIS MAY BE A YEAST INFECTION.

  • cakes
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My answers:

    1. It just hurts a little when it passes through the muscle near the opening of your vagina. Once you get past that (relax and breath out while you're inserting it) it doesn't hurt.

    2. For me, a pad leaks more, definitely.

    3. If your flow is heavy enough yes. Here's the thing - removing a tampon that's mostly "unfilled"/dry is kind of an icky, uncomfortable feeling, so you would be more comfortable picking the size that's right for your flow.

    4. I have heard that TSS is very rare. Personally, I always forget I have my tampon in and leave it in for longer than 8 hours. You're not supposed to, though! I think a lot of them do say up to 8 hours is ok. I would go by the instructions.

    5. You don't have to take it out, but sometimes if you're pushing a poop out (sorry, I can't think of a nice way to say it), it might dislodge the tampon a little. But usually not. No problem with peeing, except sometimes you get pee on the string, which is a little gross.

    6. I don't know, but I wouldn't. It just seems more sanitary to start over.

    7. No.

    Period questions:

    1. No, but I just didn't have that kind of relationship with him. If your parents are still together, your mom would probably tell him.

    2. Very normal.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't you think these might be some good questions for your mom/motherly figure in your life? Just saying, it might be easier coming from someone personal rather than a bunch of strangers on the internet.

    Either way;

    Tampons are safe. Of course there is always a risk of TSS but it is very rare and I wouldn't really worry about it. If you are nervous try keeping tampons in your jean pockets (they make very small little ones that look almost like gum wrappers) or in a pen case.

    A pad leaks much easier than a tampon, especially if you get a better branded tampon like tampax (pearl or sport).

    Yes you can wear a heavy all the time; i do, though they do feel a bit uncomfortable when your period begins to slow if you try to take it out before it has absorbed some moisture. Tampons can be a bit uncomfortable, even slightly painful (like a shock) at first but soon enough you wont even realize they are there. MUCH nicer than pads!!!

    If you are using the bathroom you can of course change the tampon, or if you don't feel like it, just hold the string to the side. I would however suggest changing it while in the shower, the feeling of a wet tampon string all day gets uncomfortable.


    Oh and for comfort, really, use a smooth tampon like pearl. Cardboard applicators can be VERY uncomfortable.

    Hope this helped :)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. If you put it in correctly it will not hurt at all. You won't even feel it.

    2. For me, tampons leak easily so I just wear a tampon and a small pad. Much more comfortable.

    3. No. If you are having a light period and you wear heavy tampons, you could get a disease called toxic shock syndrome. Always wear regular ones unless your flow is heavy.

    4. I recommend changing it every 4-5 hours, even though TSS is uncommon.

    5. You don'y HAVE to, but when you go to the bathroom it might get on the string of the tampon, so if you think that;s gross you can take it out every time you use the bathroom.

    6. No, because you can't put it back in the applicator.

    7. Again, that is up to you. You can leave it in if you want or if you want the string to stay dry you should take it out.

    1. I told my mom, then she told my dad. :)

    2. Yes, it's very normal. I get it before I get my period every month, so it is a nice little warning.

    I hope this helps, good luck :D

  • 1 decade ago

    No it doesn't hurt if you put it in right, read the box and make sure you put in in far enough. It shouldn't be uncomfortable either. I tampon wont leek as long as you change it periodically. If the string starts to get bloody then you should have changed it already. (It all depends on how heavy your period is.) DO NOT wear heavy tampons! Ive been wearing LITE tampons my whole whole life. Im 19 and am not a virgin. There are tampons that can fit in your pocket. If you wear a tampon for 17 hours you will probably bleed through it. I roll the string of the tampon around my finger a stick it up in my vagina as i pee. But for going number 2 i always take the tampon out so the string doesn't get contaminated while i wipe. Even if a little pee gets on the string its no big deal, pee is sterile. You can not take a tampon out and put it back in. You need the applicator and once its out of the applicator there is no putting it back in. Just use another tampon. There cheap. I take it out when i shower. Go ahead and tell you dad, its not a big deal, every girl has a period.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. The best advice I can give is to stay relaxed. If you don't, you will tense up your vagina and it will cause discomfort and mild pain. Also, it may not even go in. When you stand up, if you feel uncomfortable (like a ball feeling), it's in wrong. You should use your fingers to insert it further. AND WASH YOUR HANDS. And try using a regular as opposed to a super.

    2. As long as you change your tampon when needed (usually every 4 hours.) you should be fine. Definitely no chance of "spilling over" or "missing" like when wearing a pad.

    3. I would not advise starting with anything over regular. You'll be fine. Be sure you relax and enjoy your trip. Tampons are made to protect from leaks.

    4. 7 hours is not medically recommended. And leaks happen when they're full (again, usually 4 hours.) You could keep it in your locker and then put it into your pocket until you reach the bathroom.

    5. While pushing during the pooping process can push out a tampon but it's not definite. Always check for that ball feeling. Peeing has virtually no effect.

    6. definitely change to a new one after taking one completely out. First try using your fingers to insert it slightly more.

    7. You can keep it in during a shower but I recommend not. You can not thoroughly clean your vagina with it in.

    1. My dad knows but I'm now seventeen and I have a child so it's kind of obvious. You can simply wait until the time comes to ask him to pick you up "feminine products". ;)

    2. As long as you're keeping yourself clean and STD free, discharge is normal.

    Source(s): Life
  • Wow, lot's of questions.

    Okay here goes. No, the tampon shouldn't hurt when you put it in. You probably want to go with one that has a plastic applicator (like Kotex security tampons) rather than cardboard (like tampax). On your heavy days you will need to change the tampon probably every two hours or so (even if you get the super plus - they come in regular, super, and super plus). If I'm going out, I usually will add a panty liner so that just in case there's an "accident", I have a little backup (If I'm swimming or something like that, I just go to the restroom and remove the panty liner before I need to be in my bathing suit without a coverup, then I just put on another panty liner when I'm done). You do not want to leave a tampon in for 7 hours - not so much for concern about TSS (I've never, ever actually known anyone or known anyone who has known anyone who got TSS), but because of bacteria. You are putting something in a warm moist area (which is the type of area that bacteria absolutely loves), so even if you don't feel like you need to, you should change the tampon every 4 hours just for cleanliness. No, you won't be able to reuse a tampon. You won't really be able to get it back in without the applicator. Trust me on this, even if you could somehow get it back in, you wouldn't want to. You do not need take a tampon out to take a shower, or use the bathroom (1 or 2:-).

    I would start with the regular tampon (it's going to be thinner). It won't offer you as much protection as the super or super plus, but it will be more comfortable to get in. Once you are comfortable with that, then move up to the stronger ones. Just wear a panty liner or thin pad until you have a better idea of how long you can go before it starts to leak. You also want to make sure that you really get the tampon up there. Make sure you insert the applicator all the way. Generally when people say a tampon hurts or is uncomfortable, it's because it isn't inserted fully (it sounds weird, but it really is more comfortable to have it further in).

    My dad wasn't around when I was growing up, so I didn't have to worry about telling him, but I told my husband when my girls started (he makes an excellent errand boy:-), besides at 14 years old, he probably already knows or suspects that you are having your period.

    I can't answer your discharge question. I think that may be a question for your gynecologist (which since you are having your period, you should being seeing).

    Good luck! :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, here goes:

    1. It doesn't normally hurt when you're on your period because things are very wet in that area, which helps the tampon glide in. If I were you, I'd buy the ones called "Pearls" because they go in very smoothly. Also a more pettite tampon is better for first timers.

    2.Tampons can leak if your periods are really, really heavy. If so, it would be best to use a tampon, plus a small panty liner so you don't leak onto your clothes. Also if your periods are heavy, you'll need to change the tampon more often so keep several handy.

    3. First time tampon users, usually find the "heavier" tampons are a bit uncomfortable because they widen inside of you and usually gals your age are small in that area, so less is better.

    4. To be safe, I would NOT leave a tampon in for longer than 8 hours and that's only when you're sleeping. During the day, change every 2-4 hours to keep the bacteria down.

    5. Usually when you poop the tampon becomes "loose" and oozes out of you because you are "pushing" and the force usually pops the tampon out or makes it come halfway out, and they are really hard to get back up inside you once they've oozed out that far. It's best to just change tit that point because I've found once they come out they never feel comfortable if you force them back inside. Yuck!

    6. If you've just put a tampon in, and it doesn't feel quite right, you can try to take it out and try again but it's tricky. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Once it's been in for awhile (30 min. or 1 hour) if it begins to feel weird, I would just put in a new one and start over.

    7. You do not have to take it out when you shower but I usually do because I shower first thing in the morning, and I'm going to take out the tampon I've had in me all night while I slept because it's been in there for 8 hours and long over-due for a new one.

    Period Questions/Answers:

    1. I never felt comfortable talking to my Dad about my period or my tampons and neither did he. That was a Mom topic in our house. If you feel weird about it, don't go there. That's what Moms are for. And if by chance he ever has to get you any "supplies" just tell him which brand and he'll know what to do. It's really a personal choice, depending on how comfortable you are talking to him. It's not really necessary.

    2. Yes the discharge is completely normal prior to your period.

    I hope I helped you out!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Your first period can last from a day or two to a week. They are irregular when your first start and your cycle should start to regulate as you get older. You should chane your pad every few hours, depending on your flow. A tampon should be changed every few hours, as well. Pads and tampons usually work well. You can try always pads and tampax tampons. It doesn't really matter what type, they all work. Since you're just starting out, I'd try tampons with the plastic applicator first, just until you get the hang of it. Cardboard ones are good when you get the hang of it.

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