Questions about heart/sleep problems?

Hi there

I don't know if anyone can shed any light on this.

Every time settle down to go to sleep at night just as I'm in the transition from awake to sleep I suddenly get a really nasty sort of jolting feeling. Sometimes it feels like my heart 'stopped' and sometimes it feels like I've stopped breathing for a second and my body has sorta jolted me back to normal. I wake up, with heart pounding and head swimming and it's really really scary. I'm working up to going to the doctors - also scary :(

The last couple of years have been very stressful for me and I'm hoping it's stress related and not something - well horrid.

Any help appreciated.

Ms. Beloved Fil-Am2009-03-19T06:51:51Z

Favorite Answer

Just guessing you might have sleep problem sleep apny. Some people use breathing machine for it. They toss and torn everytime they go to sleep. Another thing try to go to bed two hours before midnight. and Be sure the daily exercise. I would like to summarized things: Follow N.E.W.S.T.A.R.T.
Nutritions, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Remember proper breathing from diaphram is necessary the way we position to sleep is very important in order to breath properly; We have "R" for Rest, T for Trust in the divine providence,

We can do all the things in life but without Gods blessings in it; it don't do any good.

claim God's promise under the "T". Proverbs 3: 24; It says;"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet." Claim the promises of God. This is my experienced. I experience also in the past that I could not sleep and my heart beats faster many things come to my thought, until I remember to pray and claim God promises then I lie down again, I experience the sweetest sleep ever after. God said;"Cast thy burden unto me and I will give you rest."

Good good luck and May God bless you.

Ms. Ging


Go see a GP or a cardiologist and request for a sleep study.


You might be high in cholesterol or are overweight.