If Obama was selected a membership to the Special Olympics for U.S Presidents would it be OK for?

Members of the Special Olympics bowling team to go on the David Letterman show and use Obama as something to joke about?

Stop Spending Our Money2009-03-20T20:08:31Z

Favorite Answer

They would probably be placed on the terrorist list, oh terrorist word is banned now, unfriendly person of the United States


Obama doesn't qualify for the Special Olympics bowling team with his 37.


Wow Hater Police, are you really this clueless? Why does Obama get away with insulting the special olympics? Not that this is a huge deal but you know that if a Republican did that everybody would be on his or her *** for 3 days at least.

Matthew N2009-03-20T20:08:38Z

is it so hard to accept that president Obama made a comparison about his bowling skills to the special olympics he wasn't being rude or mean he was just talking i bet u were offended when he read a headline word for word off of a magazine cover about jessica simpsons weight battle u need to get over he won live with it

Hater Police2009-03-20T20:07:57Z

Wow. You went a long way for that pointless hypothetical. Obama was making fun of himself...not the Special Olympics.

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