Cat Pee smell in the leather living room couch. Need help?
I have a cat that had a urinary infection and peed on the living room leather couch. Telling me to throw it out is out of the question due to cost.
I have tried several remedies to no avail. Any suggestions outthere
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I find that Febreeze for pets works well if you can't find the source of the smell. If you can find the source, then maybe a carpet spot remover that is pet safe. Remember to test in a small spot on the back or bottom of the couch in case it stains since it's leather. I wish you the best of luck!
You need to use something that will deoderize and kill any bacteria that may be causing the smell. Em Clean is the only enzyme cleaner that has been tested on leather and will not damage the finish. This will clean the surface and help to kill the odour on the leather but you will also need to see if you can get at the interiors of the suite as the urine may have penetrated to the inside and the cushions etc will also need cleaning - Em Clean can be used for this purpose too.
Odo-ban works nicely at removing the scent. Cats loathe the scent of citrus, so when you get each and every little thing sparkling with the odoban, i might circulate by and use a citrus spray (puppy shops sell something fairly for this, yet i won't be able to bear in mind the call) to evade destiny puddles
Get your yellow pages phone book out and phone any of the carpet cleaners in there and ask them what's ok to use on leather furniture. They're the experts on stains, smells and getting them safely out of furniture and rugs.
Baking soda works for getting nearly everything out of nearly anything. In addition, you might try the commercial products that clean cat pee and gets rid of the smell. It worked on our carpet.