what does brain dead exactly mean ?

my brother in law had a heart attack on sunday,went into a coma and they said he is brain dead. he is in reno , im in cali, so i cant ask the doctor myself. if anyone can tell me pls let me know if there is a chance of recovery or not. hes only 39, no medical problems till this.


Favorite Answer

Brain dead is no activity in the brain. The heart is still pumping blood and it's going everywhere, but the brain is shut down.

It's like a computer without a monitor...
There's still hope...
The brain can restart at any moment and keep doing it's vital functions.
There's a slightly chance that he might have brain damage, but let's hope for the best.

all is not lost...

I did a deeper research and I bring a bit of hope for you. As I said, it's no activity inside the brain, usually due to the lack of blood flow and oxygen to it. I read in many websites that there is no recovery, but honestly, I don't trust them because they don't give arguments to support their facts. I say that if you believe in God you should pray for your brother in law and I will do the same not only for him, but for everybody who is suffering from brain death right now.
At any moment the brain activity can restart and amaze all the doctors that said there was no hope. Hope is the last things to lose and the case of Zach Dunlap proves what I just said. Read the "Conciousness" part of the article in wikipedia and you will find it. Hope is all you need.

...and I hope your brother in law recovers.


What Does Brain Dead Mean


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what does brain dead exactly mean ?
my brother in law had a heart attack on sunday,went into a coma and they said he is brain dead. he is in reno , im in cali, so i cant ask the doctor myself. if anyone can tell me pls let me know if there is a chance of recovery or not. hes only 39, no medical problems till this.


I am so sorry to say this, but brain dead basically means the brain is no longer functioning. The only thing that is working in the body is your heart. There is about 2% chance that he will make it,

.........my friends went into a coma and when she was pronounced brain dead the family let her go.


Oh man, I am so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Brain dead means there is no brain activity. It's not something someone recovers from. I'm so, so sorry.

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