Joke here: Is this funny? Star if U like.?

Once upon a time an old man won a lottery of $1 million.When his son came to know this, he thought that if he tells this to his father, he may get heart attack.So he calls for a heart specialist doctor to tell the news to old man.When the doctor told the old man about lottery, the old man became so happy that he rewarded Dr. with $20,000 for telling him the news.The Dr. on hearing this got heart attack and died.

fan of dan2009-03-27T09:25:45Z

Favorite Answer

hahahahahahhahah nice!!


Well, its an old joke but I can refine it.
The old man was happy as the doctor monitored him for a while and observed that the old man has taken the good news well. The doctor then produced a bill of $20,000 and the old man had an attack.


Umm.... I don't think that even follows the definition of a joke. Maybe an amusing anecdote; but not a joke.


If you think that is remotely funny your as daft as 2 short planks.
I guess that's why you have to ask for a star.


That might have been funny, but the way you told it was absolutely awful.

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