What should you do if you get extremely overwhelmed?

I just realized how much stuff I have to do before school ends this semester and the thing is that I can't seem to retain anything when I study.. I am burnt out and need at least a weekend where I don't even look at my books but that's not going to happen.. Any advice for the last stretch of school?

Ms. Opinionative2009-03-29T18:21:03Z

Favorite Answer

Sure, I have advice for you. If I were in your situation, I wouldn't worry about having time for myself because I know school is more important. Sure enough, you may believe that's not fair, but realize, if you don't all the work, you could be a bad grade. Thus, I suggest you do like me and get use a calendar of any type such as paper, electronic,[1] your computer, etc. If you acutally have weeks to do this work, add days in you calendar pertaining to what you need to do, and how long you think you would spend on the assignments. For instance, if you have to write an essay, try setting a timer[2] for lets say -- two hours, and get to work without procrastinating. Also, before you begin, you can set the timer to a specific time to study beforehand. If you follow this method, maybe you could finish quickly and even have time for the weekend. If not, you may have to use Saturday and Sunday as well.

I really hope I helped with this answer. ^__^


pause, relax and pray a little while to ease the tension, it makes us more productive. like the saying, if you want to make it good, seek result, not perfection.