mysterious radio station sounds heard in home at night?

a Best Answer for anyone who really has this answer...

Periodically at night between midnight and about 5 am I hear what sounds like music from a neighbors house or my house in another room just loud enough for me to know what it is. Last night it lasted all night. All of my TVs etc and computer are turned off. I thought it might be my small radio clock coming on and turned on very low.

When I walk around and put my ear to all things and even the walls, I can not pinpoint it's origin. Outside it's total quiet. It's loud enough that I can tell it's a radio station with music.

There is a radio type tower a couple miles away and my roof dish faces it. Also a small airport a mile away.

There is usually annoying humming that preceeds this.

Any clues?? you can email me also.


PS. This only happens periodically - like every two months or so, and then it does it all night. On Christmas I heard carols all night. There is a tower near my house.


Favorite Answer

When I was in college I lived next to the campuses radio tower and every night I could hear the radio station come through my clock radio on the night stand, even though my radio wasn't tuned to that channel.


It is your clock radio. Mine does the same thing. The combination of alarm, snooze, and radio doesn't really turn off entirely as long as there is power to the radio. Seems weird, but that's what it's about. There's always a bleed-through, however slight. And you can hear it at night when everything else is silent.


I once lived in this house next to a guy with a ham radio antenna and the interference would come over my speakers, my tv, my dvd player, everything, but only when it was on. Even with the speakers on standby, however, if its unplugged it wont do anything. Perhaps you can try unplugging everything for one night to see if this is it.


It is a radio alarm clock with the wrong time programmed into it.

The buzzing is the alarm. Some of them have 2 times that can be programmed.