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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Has anyone heard about the new regulations the FCC wants to impose on radio stations ?

I have just recently found out the FCC wants to impose heavy regulations on radio stations (Christian Radio Stations Included) monitoring the content of these station... Christian radio stations are in an uproar about it where I live. Has Anyone heard about this ? If so do you have any more info on it ? prefer born againt believers responses.... thanks


This is not a non sense hoax rumor that comes around every couple of yrs.. I went to the FCC site and there is such a bill in the works

21 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, Yeah!! I have heard that they are trying to put some new rules on speaking from the scripture on the bible as "hate" speech. By the way Canada is also trying to put that onto their laws. When Christians speak from the bible we are simply telling the truth as to what GOD desires for us, but alas, we know that the world is definitely against GOD anymore. They will convince only the weak in spirit and those who know not of or reject GOD'S word out right!! We Christians must stand up for our constitutional right to speak from the bible. It is not spoken out of "hate" but of LOVE. The bible is a REAL story about the most precious LOVE ever. GOD'S forgiveness of our ways and the Salvation that he offers us. It is up to us as whether we accept or deny him.

    Unfortunately many are lazy in their beliefs as Christians and stand silent. I am glad that the man behind your avatar is not but a very good friend of CHRISTIAN values!!

    GOD BLESS YOU my friend in CHRIST. STAND tall and stand proud!!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you live in a small town, and turn on the radio?:, usually all you will get is either Country and Western music, (which I hate), or you get the christians shows, and/or music, ( which I hate even more).

    If the FCC, can come up with better ideas about how to control, how many of a certain kind of shows?, that would be good! And my ears will stop hurting from the noise on there!

    Less christian ranting and raving! And less political posturing from the Republicans.

    And their are several good Liberal Democrats radio personalities on the radio! Like Bernie Ward, out of San Francisco! he deals with issues.

    You listen to those bozos like Limbaugh, Savage and Reagan, and you get them putting down Democrats, during the whole show!

    Sounds more like trash radio, than anything else.

    Source(s): not born again, but free at last
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why are right-wing Christians so desperate to believe that they're victims? Don't they ever consider that they might instead work to accomplish something positive?

    I'm so sick of this victimhood culture.


    "This is not a non sense hoax rumor that comes around every couple of yrs.. I went to the FCC site and there is such a bill in the works"

    I went to the FCC site and it says that you're full of it.

    Man, you people are so transparently dishonest it's not funny.

  • o
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No I haven't heard it yet I'm still reeling from the whole 'new money thing omitting In God We Trust ' and no more 'one nation under God' in our pledge ...Geez things are going down hill at an accelerated rate, This news you have would not come as a surprise ..This all is tragedy to say the least..We need a Samson ! A nation without God is doomed .. And your avatar is someone whom I've admired and respected for a long time ..I hope you honor it ..

    Good Question!

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  • tas211
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I know, it's bad. But it's just one more sign that the end times are near at hand. Just think, the Bible says that in the end EVERY knee will bend and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. One day even Satan will bow down to Jesus. Of course, by then it will too late for them to accept Him as their personal savior. There will come a day when Christians have to go underground and meet in secret. There will come a day when you will find the Bible in the FICTION section of book stores and libraries. But it's OK 'cause we've read the end of the book and we know that Jesus wins in the end.

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't heard of anything.

    I can't imagine what Christian radio would be doing that it would matter.

    Any idea of what regulations they are discussing?

  • 1 decade ago

    I love your Avatar by the way! I have not and I would sure like to know! (I listen to Moody Radio and KMBI radio station here in Spokane, WA and I still haven't heard anything!). <')))><

  • 1 decade ago

    If it were true, which is not likely, what regulations would they impose on all radio stations that would frighten Christians? It seems fishy to me. <*)))>< (I had to stick that in, after the "fishy")

  • n9wff
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The liberals want "equal" rights on conservative and Christians stations that have been far more successful than the liberal talk shows. If they don't get "their time," fines will be imposed.

    Funny how business is so bad for them that they need to intrude on the Christian stations.

    that's the bottom line...

  • Dwain
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like the same urban legend that comes around every 2 or three years the FCC can't put out. Try details at

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