Which movie presents a more frightening future to you?

1984 or Idiocracy


If you haven't seen them or know what they are about and you still answer, u r an idiot


Favorite Answer

i would have to say 1984 but to be honest the movie, "children of men" stuck with me longer and i found it to particularly haunting for reasons im not exactly sure. it paints very bleak future

Mr. Gumball2009-03-31T12:45:27Z





Idiocracy was a comedy, but i don't think Mike Judge was joking...

The future in that film is a very possible look at the future, Americans are obsessed with food and TV and we have overloads of garbage, i say the film is very realistic.


Your right, if you haven't seen this two films don't answer or even pretend to have seen one of them...

(i get answers like those all the time!)

BTW, both films are good, but i like Idiocracy more...

Vimana Expert2009-03-31T12:43:14Z

After I saw Twilight...
I definitely have to say Idiocracy or Southland Tales

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