In 2 sentences or less: What do you believe you have the Right to do?

i'm not looking for legal mumbo jumbo, or a listing of the bill or rights. I'm looking for one simple all incompasing statement that answers the question what do YOU personally believe you should have the Right to do?

SOLID CITIZEN2009-04-07T13:44:48Z

Favorite Answer

live and be happy without government intervention telling me what i can and can not do


The right to live.

The right not to be harrassed.

The right not to be attacked.

The right not to be judged.

The right to be treated as I treat others.

The right to not have my rights infringed upon by others.


I SHOULD have the right to express myself, defend myself, and manage my life, family, and property without infringing on the rights of others.


We should have the right to do anything we like until it bothers someone else.

If you want to watch Fox News, be my guest ... it doesn't affect me.

If you want as a man to marry another dude, be my guest. It doesn't affect anyone.

If you want to smoke week, be my guest.

Your freedom stops when it starts affecting someone else's freedom ... logical easy and fair!!

lose it2009-04-07T13:45:36Z

I should have the right to do whatever the hell I want as long as it doesn't negatively affect others.

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