What breed does my dog look like?

I know he is a mix, but im trying to figure out a mix of what. He weighs a little over 60 pounds.





Border Collie and Pit Bull mix


Probably a pit bull mix. The tail and markings make me think maybe mixed with border collie. Boxer is possible, he does seem to have a slightly undershot jaw, but seems less likely than pit bull.

Angry Y!A Nerd, Meaghan Edwards2009-04-09T15:52:25Z

Border Collie mixed with a bully breed, either pit bull or Boxer. Gorgeous dog!


What a beautiful dog!!
He looks like maybe border collie and pit bull.
His ears, tail set and body shape look rather border collie-ish.
That tight, shiny coat and the width of his head look a bit pit bull-ish.
He's gorgeous!


Hes defo a Pit bull cross

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