Which novels could you build a civilization on?

The 1974 movie Zardoz, depicted a civilization structured according to L. Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz". What other novel could you build a civilization on? How would that civilization be better or worse than our own?

By 'novel' I mean a fictional book. This would exclude sacred texts (The Bible, The Qur'an, The Tanakh, The Veda, etc) as well as the writings of classical and modern philosphers.

the talking chair2009-04-11T09:37:27Z

Favorite Answer

Francis Bacon's novel "The New Atlantis" was designed to have a civilisation built upon it.

Tomasso Campanella's "The City of the Sun" is a fictional dialogue of two people taking about their ideal world.

You can read/print the whole of both books here:


You can read them within one day. They're not long reads.


More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon

Chuck N. Thachikin2009-04-11T09:23:11Z

dianetics apparently

how would fictional books exclude sacred writings?

yeah take that