Does Nancy Pelosi have a soul?

This may sound a little harsh but let me try to explain.

There was one particular month in 04 in Iraq that was heartbreaking for many Americans. The IED attacks had stepped up. On top of that we had several troop transport helicopters shot down in a short period of time. In each of these we lost 15 or 17 of America's best. I know I'm not alone when I say that my gut was tied in knots and I'd brace myself when I turned on the news. Like many of you folks I take this personally.

There was an interview on a sunday news program that I'll never forget. Pelosi was asked about the situation and the high casualties of the past weeks. This is hard to explain but I looked in her eyes and saw two vacancy signs. Not literally of course but that's the best way I can describe it. She was totally emotionally detached from the pain those military families were experiencing. Not to mention many of us out here who love our troops like our own kids.

Basically she used the situation to step on the bodies of our dead heroes to advance Her cause. This isn't a question backed up by a lot of links and references I know. I guess it's one of those things where you had to be there. There wasn't a big stink made in the press so I haven't been able to find the clip yet. It probably wouldn't have the same impact anyway because you have to place yourself in that time frame.

Anyway I'll never forget looking into her face and thinking that the terminator robot would have had more of an emotional connection to the events in Iraq.

You may call this a rant but I can't explain it in a few sentences.

Do any of you remember the month I'm talking about here or maybe even saw the interviews she gave during those dark days?


please save the bush bashing for another time, this is nancy's day


Max - I think people are smart enough to understand my point here.


Yes this is my 'opinion'. I think that's still allowed in the elections and politics categories?


Inquisitor - Thank you for your service!


I see a lot of women get what I'm saying here. Maybe one of you can throw a bucket of water on her and solve the problem. lol


I hear ya guys, a lot of them need to go and Soon!


Well we're heading over to Atl. to toss some tea in the harbor..oh yeah..I guess we'll have to settle for the fountain at the Capitol building. lol

Thanks for responding to my rant here. I just saw her on the news and got ticked off all over again.

God Bless and go raise some H***!

ÂŅŦĬ ĂĈǾŖŇ2009-04-15T07:19:07Z

Favorite Answer

She, like Obama and other anointed ones, is completely detached from real life in America. A good example is how the country is being run. This is the design of the anointed, as per Thomas Sowell.
I never credit Pelosi or Obama or any of their other cronies of being ignorant of what their design is doing, but they are products of their environments, and they have been secluded from reality too long to care about the little man.
Unfortunately, there are not enough people in the USA related to the military to make significant change, and then there are those who do not see that the liberal agenda does not give a rat's *** about soldiers, they just draw on emotions by being "anti-war."
The Democrats have no problem using the military to make them look good, as depicted in the most recent "pirate" fiasco.


When one walks a path of Hate and discontent as she does, One
should not expect anything but what they get. Nancy Pelosi is
dead person walking, She is filled with vile and hate for GWB, and
the Conservative right. She is the quint essential elitest, who comes
from the Knob Hill area in San Fran, Her Husband is a fish monger
of the highest order. (Star Kist Tuna). She is motivated by greed,
power and control. She is willing to sell her soul to get beyond a
situation that puts her in the drivers seat. She is a opportunist and
a manipulator, She is a throw back to the Old LBJ era, When it
comes to using blackmail and outright contempt to get what she
wants. Obama has no Idea how dangerous this woman really is.

Come 2010 when she is removed from office, She will go kicking
and screaming into the dark night, Her rein of terror will be over.


I have all ways despised that witch she is a cold hearted *****. Remember in 2007 she proposed a omnibus Iraq pull out bill that included funding for the following and this is no joke she could care less about the military men and women and she showed it many times.

More comprehensive sex education, complimentary condoms and discount abortion clinics in public middle schools

A government-run universal health care system that includes prescription drugs for household pets and a new mandatory euthanasia benefit for the aged, comatose, crippled, diseased, depressed and mentally retarded

A ready supply of government-issued affordable, combustible American flags for anti-war protesters. ... Nancy is likely the most hated women in this nation I'm waiting for the house to fall on her!LOL
I understand how you feel about her I feel the same way!


Yes, she has a soul, a lost soul. Either that or she sold it to pay for the botox.
I can't believe the account you just posted! Outrageous, but then again, I am sure there's more atrocities when it comes to her. See once you make a deal with the devil, it only gets worse, not better, and the affair is never over.

Donald C2009-04-15T20:04:31Z

Does a mindless, self-aggrandizing, emotionally void harpie have a soul???
Evidently not.
It is totally sick to advance political goals on the bones of our dead soldiers. The ill-gained political "points" that she may have recieved have been further cancelled by the democrat memo that returning veterans are "security threats."
Those soldiers and ex-soldiers out there should ALL be offended.

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