Those who've had a tubal during a repeat c-section?

I'm going to be having my 4th c-section this summer and we've decided I should just get my tubes tied during it rather then hubby getting snipped (as originally planned). Was there any difference in your recovery then after a prior c-section??

Proud mommy of 22009-04-16T15:29:47Z

Favorite Answer

I had a tubal done during my second c-section. I wasn't sure if my recovery was due to my tubal or not, but i was in a little more pain then the first.

I couldn't get out of bed when they first tried. Walking was pain. I had more clots. 4 months after and still feeling mild pains but mostly back to myself.

But keep in mind also i fell during my recovery so i'm sure that had a little to do with it.

I was in a little more pain this time around then i was at first.