Which T.V. Show Do You Prefer: The Office or Scrubs?

I've only seen The Office once or twice, but I did not find it funny. It was confusing, and the directing was all over the place.

I love Scrubs...and you can tell by my little icon. Haha.

Now, regardless of my opinions, please, tell me what you all think. I am just curious to know.

Elaborate if you wish...


(Please, give opinions on these shows only. Don't add anymore; I'm not asking you about anything else.)


Favorite Answer

Scrubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all I need to say!!!! I am not sure why people like The Office, but personally I am not a fan of it.


Scrubs! My friend and I call each other c-bear and v-bear (chocolate and vanilla) because of it. The show just makes me smile, and it's got a ton of classic lines. Plus the characters are all insane, which I love!

I do like The Office though, especially the style, but I've only seen a couple episodes.I know some die hard fans of the show that adore it, and I trust their judgment so it must be good.

But Scrubs wins for me. :)


Scrubs, by far! I love the characters on the show, especially Turk and J.D.


scrubs for sure, everytime, can never get enough of cox and newbie