What do you think of "Ya Don't Tug On Superman's Cape: Repercussions" morning pome?
The bayou flows
into the morning.
Day spreads its sails.
Ya don't tug on Superman's cape,
Ya don't spit into the wind,
Ya don't pull the mask off the Lone,
Lone Ranger,
And ya don't mess around with Jim.
Now let's see...how can I get deleted
With THIS one? Since Freedom Of
Speech is denied....deleted....
Round and round...take it down...
Tugging on Superman's cape...hmmmm...
Violation due to inference he's 'gay'?
Spitting into the wind....hmmmm...
EPA violation?
Pulling the mask off the Lone Ranger...hmmm...
Assault charges?
And ya don't mess around with Jim...hmmm...
Threat? Or warning infered?
GEE!!! See how you can get in trouble over
A bunch of Zeroes???????
Base 2 will do it every time....
Uh, Base 2 is computer stuff....
Good Morning! Good Morning!
Intrusivosity....esta 'mierda'? Malo, malo...Dias!
Indeed! It must be time for our monthly scouring of so-called 'violations'...I SO wish this would have happened in the 60's...hheheehheheheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
And, ya don't mess around with 60's people!
Regwah...I DID see your answer to the deleted on, and it was GOOD!!!!
It wasn't deleted because of the 'Taliban' stuff...but because I commented on Freedom Of Speech for some and not for others....what does that say? Hmmmmmmmm.......
DAH....masks are what you make of them...I know many people who are exquisitely so ugly in their heart, they have to mask THAT!!!
Regwah....things are not as they seem. Ever battle ghosts? Ghosts are real, and only some are friendly.
Good Morning!