My cousin lost her husband to cancer on Dec. 24th 2008 and started seeing a guy 2 months later?
I think it is way too soon if she loved her husband like she says she did. How long do you think the proper grieving time is for losing a spouse? I think she should make any serious decisions for about a year.
I mean I think she shouldn't make any serious moves for about a year
He had cancer for only 4 months before he died. It was really quick.
Renee ♥2009-04-21T10:16:52Z
Favorite Answer
It depends on the type of person she is. She may be strong, and I have a friend who is similar, if she is single for a long time it may be harder for her to get over the trauma, but if she finds someone quickly she can get it off her mind and be happier. She may still be unhappy inside, but she can't spend her whole life still waiting for another special man to come, she needs to find one to help her get over grieving. Its nice that you are concerned and worried about your cousin, you are caring and scared for her, that's ok, just give her some time to be free and do what she likes. If seeing this guy makes her happy, you should be happy. Yes, her husband may have died recently, but she needs to get over the sadness, people have different ways of getting over situations like this, there are some that won't see a guy for years, and the ones like your cousin who get another guy quite fast. If you are really worried, talk to her. People have different grieving times and periods.
It comes on people in different ways some just dont grieve some grieve for a long period of time and some for a short6 time it depends on the person you might find as time goes on she'll start to grieve more and more.
people grieve at different rates. Some people take years to get over the loss of a spouse. Maybe this IS her way of grieving and she's not thinking right.
i don't think you can define on a time, some people are so lonely after the loss of a spouse they go out and marry the first person they meet, others like my mom who lost my dad in a car accident never remarried or had a serious date again and that was 35 years ago, and most early relationships fail because they are so lonesome they cant make a good decision
And it isn't like a cancer death is a sudden thing. The stages of grief can begin earlier with a death like that, and so the grieving can finish sooner too. (It would be different if he'd died unexpectedly on Dec 24th)