Suggestion for Dachshund name?

I've recently adopted a grown male Dachshund. His color is a double dapple piebald. (He's white with gray and black patches. He's very unusual colored.) I own 2 red females named Beanie Baby and her daughter named Viennie Weenie. And I would like a cute "non-human" name for him.
He is very playful even though he is "deaf". We were told his favorite game use to be sit in the street like a speed-bump and watch the cars go by. We've discovered he also likes to chase the flashlight beam and bites everywhere it shines. He is so funny. I wish I could find a name that is comical like he is.
Do you have a suggestion?

Stephen B2009-04-22T08:01:07Z

Favorite Answer

"Huh" or "What"


He can be double dapple OR piebald, but not both. Double dapple resembles a pied coat pattern, only in a pied there will be NO dappling on solid patches, and the white will have symmetrical colored markings, I.E. if one ear or paw is dark, the other is, too. The doubling up on the dapple gene causes solid white patches in an irregular pattern.......To the guy who said BYB junk, not necessarily, but often. I know quite a few quality dogs who are doubled dapple, often mistakenly called pied.

AS FOR A NAME, How about "Joseph" , with his coat of many colors?


double dapple piebald.....
BYB colors and names account for the poor breeding, which results in the deafness.

nice of you to adopt this dog. i hope you'll keep him out of the road.

the only dachshund name i ever though of was "pigskin", as my mother in law has a bunch (she used to breed them) and the ones that she has now (the ones she wouldn't sell) are obnoxious.... so i want to kick them like footballs. (i wouldn't, but it's a satisfying mental picture)


Baby Bump! :)
Mr. Weenie!
Dapple Pickle!
ha. i used to have dachshunds. i love them.


Pablo is quite funny (well i think so anyway!)

Or pepperoni (as in the sausage as he's a sausage dog!) hehe

My friends got one called 'Abe' which i think is quite cute. Short for Abraham.

Your one sounds so cute!

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