Who should the Steelers pick, and what are their chances of repeating as Super Bowl champs?

I think they should beef up on the "O" line. This will give Big Ben more protection, and establish a more consistent running game. What do you think. The team is intact, so I feel they have a good shot at repeating, what about you? And how about some stars from all Steeler fans. Show a guy some love!


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I agree with you. The Steelers do need to improve their o-line. You hear guys like Eric Wood, from Louisville, and Max Unger from Oregon. I think they should draft Alex Mack from Cal. He's been a great center for the Cal Bears all four years. And in the second round maybe a WR, or CB.

I like our chances. The Steelers didn't lose a whole lot, except for Bryant McFadden, and Nate Washington, but it's simple we have to have guys step up in those positions. Like William Gay, and Limas Sweed. We all know that the draft is the Steelers free agency. This is where they get their players, and many of them are great.


Yeah I agree that they have to beef up the O-Line. The only issue is all of the top lineman will be far gone by then. So look for them to draft one of the two most slept on lineman this year OT Jamon Meribith from South Carolina or Phil Loadaholt form Oklaoma.
As for the repeat, they have one of the easiest schedules this year. If they were able to win it with the hardest schedule last year I think if they are healthy... they are in my top 5 teams that I could see winning it this year.

Rob D.2009-04-25T08:01:01Z

Steelers could be the best dynasty out of the AFC or even football, their chances of going back to the big game are good every year. This year, again, the team really hasn't changed but just has more experience and good salary room.

I think they'll have to contend with the Colts and if they get past them, the lane is open for them for then next 3 years.


Yes a good offensive line would be great. I think the best choice would be guard Duke Robinson. Unfortunately, I do not think that they will repeat. If the Cards can keep Boldin, they're gonna win it all.


You are right, they really need to pick a good Offensive Lineman. And of course they are going to win two in a row!

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