What are the words to this Chinese song and what do they mean?
There is a Mandarin Chinese television program called "Fruity Pie." Its Chinese name is "Shui Guo Bing Qi Lin," which I know means "fruit ice cream." There is a goodbye song at the end of each program. The words are kind of like this:
"Shui guo, hen ni sho sai jien Bing qi lin chi shuo baai baai Chu ni di shao lung shan shui guo liang tien Hsin hsin bing qi lin li an hao tsu wei"
What are the actual words and what do they mean?
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I think I have the first two lines. I don't think I'll get the last two, especially since I don't want to watch it again. The dude is really creepy lol. 水果,恨你说再见 (shuǐ guǒ, hèn nǐ shuō zàijiàn) 比起另一起说bye bye. (bǐqǐ lìngyī yìqǐ shuò bye bye) Those two lines roughly translate to: Fruit, I hate to say goodbye to you Let's wave and say bye bye together.
I'm pretty confident I got the first line. The first couple of characters in the second line I'm not sure of. I'm sure "一起说bye bye" is right, though.
I don't want to sound ignorant on this response. Since I'm not Chinese I can't answer this to the fullest extent. But from my experience in talking with my friends from China, they have told me that they don't understand certain words; they just like the music and enjoy it for what it is. I think that unless a person from another country has been in the USA for such a long time, then they might understand the meanings and double meanings of certain words and phrases. Not to sound conceited here, but as I've come learn, it seems that a lot of people from other countries actually can't comprehend a lot of the meanings and words in American music. It's just a thing that is accepted world wide that American music is the "cool thing" to listen to; same thing goes with Western movies too. From the many countries I've visited; ALL had people listening to Western music, Rap, Heavy Metal, Rock etc...and they didn't understand the majority of it. It was a little odd when I went to Japan and I was in a family resturant and Gangsta Rap played continuously over their satelite radio. To sum it up, (and as I said not to sound conceited, but I'm telling it how I see it) it seems that a lot of words and phrases are misinterpreted, but it doesn't matter because the world seems to openly embrace Western music while not understanding half or most of its meanings. We may never see the day when Mexico is listening to Japanese jams, India is rocking out with South Korean tunes, and Germany is head bopping with smooth grooves from Brazil. But rignt now, every country listens to American music, regardless of the content contained in the song. I hope that we can better integrate each countries music and widely accept it like those countries accept our western music.