Does anyone find it disturbing that Air Force One buzzed the NY skyline for a photo op?

We're constantly told how brilliant the White House is, but it didn't occur to them that the same result could have been accomplished by using Photoshop Elements for $49. (Using the pen tool) You could have gotten better pictures of AF 1 on the ground and photo shop it into ANY background. Instead AF 1 flew around with an F-16 escort that cost the taxpayer millions and terrified hundreds of citizens into near panic. It didn't occur to the White House that 747's flying near high rise buildings being chased by fighters would surely have negative implications in this day and age after 9/11.


RE: Obama didn't know about it... "...the White House Military Office was trying to update its file photos of Air Force One...." This being the case, Obama is either lying about not knowing or is ignorant of what people under him are doing. So which is it?


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It not only bothers me that thousands of people went running out of their office buildings in terror, but that Obama did this spending hundreds of thousands of our dollars in fuel cost to do it. It's just one more thing in a long line of Obama blundres:


There are 9 year olds capable of manipulating digital photos and achieve the desired affect on any given day by the end of the day.

We have a president who has a blackberry in every pocket but we don't have a PR guy who can handle a freakin' lap-top?

I would really like to know who is going to have the stones to actually release these photos now.

If they go into an AF1 goodie bag for the guests, you can count on seeing one or more on e-bay very soon.

shawn g2009-04-28T09:43:18Z

Very disturbing and wrong. And of course the Obama admin is claiming they had no clue that this was going to happen. How in the heck do you not know about one of your OWN planes being flown so low in one of the biggest cities in the US. Not to mention being escorted by a F-16!?! Plain wrong.....but of course, Obama can do no wrong


That one little move tortured thousands of Ny'ers. Obama has now OFFICIALLY tortured more people than any other Administation combined. Not to mention they were Americans to boot.


yeah no kidding
that's a good point

they could photoshop the iranian missile tests,
but they can't photoshop an air force one photo op


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