Is there swimming on Mackinac Island, MI?

I know there are swimming pools at the hotels, but is there a public beach where swimming is permitted? Thanks!

Keith M2009-05-01T14:50:31Z

Favorite Answer

As many times as I have been there I can't remember seeing a public beach with any type of facilities.

After saying this I will tell you that all beaches in Michigan are public up to the high water line and around most of the island, the road is right next to the beach (no private land or housing) except for the downtown area. This road is more than 5 miles long and goes all the way around the island. Bicycle or walk and explore this road and find you own special little beach.

I know that in the area of Market St and Main St is an area to picnic and sun bath and possible swimming.

After clicking on the link above change the map to aerial and zoom in. You will see a sandy point of land that is the beach I spoke of. Its right off of downtown.

Most of the beaches around the island are rocky so I recommend "water socks" to cover your feet. Also last year the water was still very cold in July.

Best of luck.


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It's almost impossible to save money on Mackinac Island. Everything is outrageously expensive. Ride the ferry, rent a hotel room, and take a carriage ride with one other person, and you're already out about 400 bucks. It is somewhat cheaper to stay in the hotels during the offseason. Try going the first week of May or something like that. Otherwise, prepare to spend lots and lots and lots of money. One money saving idea is to stay in a hotel in St. Ignace. The savings in the hotel rates probably makes up for the extra ferry tickets if you want to spend two days on the island. It would save money if you brought along food for at least one meal.


Wow! Thank you! exactly what I was looking for. I looked for the answer on the internet but I couldn't find them.


Maybe, but I'm not 100%