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How grand is it to stay at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, MI?

I only had lunch there, and it was grand!

8 Answers

  • DeeJay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Grand it must be. The movie, "Somewhere In Time" was filmed there. The movie is one of my favorites. Christopher Reeves and Jayne Seymour travel back in time. The setting was beautiful for the movie.

    The film is adapted from the 1975 novel "Bid Time Return" by science fiction writer Richard Matheson

    Mackinac Island does not permit motor vehicles (except for emergency vehicles and, in winter, snowmobiles) and transport to and from the dock to the hotel is via horse-drawn carriage. The only other motor vehicles allowed in recent history were cars brought over for the filming of Somewhere in Time. During the winter months, when ice prevents ferry transport from the mainland, the hotel is closed. The island also has a small airport (no fuel or services) that is handy for private aircraft. The horse-drawn taxis will take you from the airport to the hotel or any other destination.

    The hotel is owned by R.D. (Dan) Musser III.

    Oh my, how I would love to go there.

    Good question


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes I have! Although, when I went, it was totally cold, rainy, and overcast. BUT, I can see the beauty of the island. It's a beautiful place. Very cool that there's no motorized vehicles allowed on the entire island, too. It adds a neat touch. The little shops on the main drag are really cute too. It's a great couples destination. (although I went solo) As for the hotel itself, the building is spectacular, the grounds are beautiful, the porch is the most amazing thing you'll ever see, the restaurant is decent, BUT the rooms are the most gaudy thing you've ever seen in your life. They were decorated by some hoity toity French designer, and quite honestly, they'd make Liberace throw up. There were several people out in the hallway running from room to room to compare how ugly their respective rooms were. They were downright hideous. The coolest thing I experienced there was eating in the restaurant at the table right where Christopher Reeve was standing in the movie! They also have a nice Somewhere in Time exhibit in the hotel, as well as a little walk down to the shore where there's a bronze plaque on a tree that says "this is where Richard met Elise". It's pretty cool! If you have a chance to go - do it! If I did it all over again, I'd definitely go in Springtime, and I'd stay at a B&B on the island and just look in and around the hotel and skip the ugly rooms. Have fun! (and check your pockets for pennies before you go!)

  • Milou
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I love the grand hotel and Mackinac Island been to the Island several time but never was lucky enough the stay at the Grand I imagine it would be wonderful and expensive-- one of these days maybe for our 50th anniversary

  • Snid
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We are saving for a weekend there. It is SO beautiful!!! We don't have to have a fancy room but we want to stay there. Though any room is grand at the Grand Hotel!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My mother worked there for 2 summers when she was a teenager. Let's see that would have been 1944 & 1945. She had all kinds of pictures of the hotel and the island.

    (displaced Sault Ste. Marie native)

  • Monty
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh, very grand, indeed! We stayed there to celebrate our 40th anniversary. And the dinner? Wow! You have to dress up. Chamber music, many courses. What an experience!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't afford to stay there or even eat there, but I bet it would be nice if you can afford to do it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stay overnight sometime.

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