Do you really believe that any man made governments can bring about world peace?

For thousands of has tried to bring peace and harmony....
but all have failed and their attempts futile....
What do you think?
and please explain....


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Yes, as long as it is based on logic and truth and not lies and delusion like religious super powers of the past.

Edit: I'm not suggesting a perfect world , just no more wars.

λευκός ψῆφος2009-05-02T13:10:44Z

'Peace and harmony' are works of God. Lasting 'world peace' can only come about by the hand of the One through whom 'all things are held together.'(see Colossians 1:17)

During the days of the judges, there were times when the 'Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD' by serving false idols, adopted from the pagan nations around them. So the LORD would allow the promised land to be invaded, and the people would cry out to HIM. The LORD would then raise up a 'deliverer'. While Othniel was alive, Israel had 'peace for forty years'.(see Judges 3:7-11)

Soon the King of kings will sit on His throne, 'the government will be on His shoulders.' Another one of His titles will be 'Prince of Peace.'(see Isaiah 9:6)


I really have no confidence in man made goverments, the on ly way that we could truly have somthing close to peace is if there was one goverment rulling the whole world. Otherwise we'll have all these goverments counteracting each others laws and arguing over who offers the best, then war breaks out. However even if we did have a global goverment, there will still be terrorism plauging our world. So we'll never really have world peace in the hands of man made goverments.


Only true peace comes through Jesus Christ- men will attempt to bring peace through governments, but it has not happened in thousands of years, and it will not happen until Christ comes again to claim His Kingdom.


What exactly other kinds of governments are there, dog made?

People have always had leaders. Used to be just tribe leaders. Now it's grown to governments because, faulty as it is, it takes a lot larger leading body to lead so many.

The leaders are only people, it is humanity as a whole that can bring world peace, but we all have to be in agreement to do it. And not all cultures are willing to find that place in themselves yet.

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