Will the GOP draft Tom Ridge to run for the US Senate against Specter?

Ridge is a very popular former governor of Pennsylvania. He struggles with support from the Right because he is pro choice. He would likely be much more appealing to Dems and Independents than Toomey, Santorum, etc.


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I don't think so. Ridge would have more appeal than the far Right people you list but the GOP is clearly not interested in moderates anymore.


They probably will not. The reason Ridge wasn't McCain's vp is they were afraid of the religious Right. The GOP in Pennsylvania is now pretty far to the Right. Problem is the general population is not. AND the Dems have a very large registration advantage. I hope the GOP has a battle for their nomination. It would only make it easier to defeat them in the general.


Tom Ridge is not the answer.


pa voter here, ridge is just another con that has never done anything worthwhile, a yonger member of the old boy network