Forceps and Vacuum...Who's had it?

Have any mommies had to have a vacuum or forceps assisted delivery? Im scared to death of having to have this be done during my Delivery. Tho i doubt it will happen. Im 31wks and baby isnt measuring super big or anything. Any stories would be great or articles on this.

Mommy to 3 great kids!2009-05-03T15:50:31Z

Favorite Answer

I never had it, but i told my doctor that i wouldn't have them either. I have heard to many stories about them being dangerous. I had to sign papers stating that if it looked like either was going to have to be used that i would take a emergency c-section over them. I Still feel the same way and plan on signing the same papers when i conceive #3.


With my first child they used a vacuum, honestly I was in so much pain I didn't even realize what was going on.. I didn't use any pain meds or epidural with my children so it was very intense. I didn't even have a chance to question the doctor. With my second child I researched everything and was more aware of what goes on during child birth so I was more prepared.
I didn't have any complications with him using the vacuum and my daughter is fine. So no horror stories here, lol.. I wouldn't worry to much just research everything and if something worries you speak to your doctor about it. No question or concern is silly...
Congrats and Good luck.