Can I feed my turtle asparagus?

I've got a y/o RES, named Mortisha.
She wants to know if it's safe for her to eat some of my left over [uncooked] asparagus.

Is it OK to give her some?
Thanks a bunch!


Favorite Answer

Asparagus is always pricey by me so I never have fed it to any of my turtles - I had to check a safety data sheet LOL
yea, it's fine to feed - if you can afford it go for it.
Here's a link with tons of veggie/plant feeding info for herps if you ever get to wondering on another atypical food items safety for your turtle.


It won't do a young turtle any good and it might be rejected. Stick with animal food (meat) until it matures.


I think lol


it might not be good.