I had my ultrasound done at 22 weeks and they told me it was a girl. I'm so happy cause that what I always wanted. Now I have people saying it's a boy because of the way I'm carrying. Can you help me please. Thank you.
She even showed me the vagina on the screen.
Favorite Answer
while ultrasounds are 80-90% accurate, they are far more reliable than determining the sex by "the way you are carrying". Thats just old wives tales. Nothing in medicine is 100%, but 80-90% is pretty darn close. You're most likely having a girl. Congrats!
The way you're carrying is an old wives' tale as far as whether or not it's a boy or a girl. It has more to do with how the baby is lying, your own anatomy (how your muscles are, your posture, your height and weight, etc.).
However, ultrasounds are NOT 100% accurate in telling the sex of the baby. They are very good by around 20-22 weeks as long as the baby is in position for the technician or doctor to see their little boy or girl parts, but they are definitely not foolproof. And they are very often not accurate at all earlier on. A friend of mine was told with a high degree of certainty that she was having a girl at her nuchal scan (12 weeks), and at her 20 week scan they told her just kidding, it's a boy!
I would think it's probably pretty safe to assume you're having a girl if you had a good tech or doctor tell you that was what it looked like at 22 weeks. If you would feel better, see if you can get them to agree to do another ultrasound closer to the beginning of the third trimester to confirm. I'm running on the assumption that the regular ultrasound I had in the office, followed 10 days later by a detailed 20-week scan, both are right and that I'm having a boy! But I'm doing our nursery on the more gender-neutral side anyway, so worse comes to worst, it's not a strongly boy-type nursery if we get a surprise when I deliver and it turns out to be a girl. :)
The way a woman carries really depends on her body type. It is a common misconception and an old wives tale that babies carried low are boys and high-carried babies are girls. It all depends on your body type, whether or not it's your first, if you've dropped, etc. People will listen to anything and adhere to those wives tales as if absolute truth. It can actually be annoying (I am pregnant with #2) when you have people tell you things all the time that you simply know otherwise about... I get it all the time and while I usually just smile and nod sometimes I can't resist letting them know the truth, lol, hormones!
When I had my first I wanted her to be a girl, too. The scan revealed a girl and though they said they were 99.9% sure I still worried, obviously, from hearing about people who had the opposite. I had another scan and they did confirm that she's a girl so yeah, mine were right. Did they point out the genitalia to you, what did it look like? That's another help... the female parts generally look like three lines on a scan...
Ultrasounds don't lie. BUT the technicians may not see things correctly, etc. However, I would trust the ultrasound you had over the way you carry. That's a old wives tale that has no proof to it at all and can be very wrong. You have a 50% change of being right if you just go by that, and 50% to be wrong. Total luck if people get a certain gender from the way they carry. I'd say congrats on the baby girl!
Ultrasounds can't be 100% accurate for the sex of a baby because the penis or testicles may be hidden. Or the umblilical chord or something else may look like a penis. It is the best way to tell the sex though. And it is probably more accurate on the other things because those are tested in a different way. With measurments of the body part or other more accurate ways. The sex is determined just by what the person giving the ultrasound sees. Hope this helps.