Spanish sub titles on "Scrubs"?

This is america, and last night on tv "Scrubs" had spanish sub titles. We speak english here, so why must I be distracted by the subtitles. This just proves how our government supports immigration! Any thoughts?


To Dave C. The subtitles were on the station, not my TV. Try again!


Favorite Answer

What state do you live in? That may explain it.

Dave C2009-05-07T10:08:53Z

Why did you watch the show with Spanish subtitles in the first place?

It doen't take a high IQ to turn off the subtitles or turn on the English subtitles.

Maybe I'm assuming you can read the instructions on how to use your TV.

In regards to the "proof", I see it as the TV show marketing to a secondary market. They know that there's a segment of the population that is a potential revenue stream.


First of all, our government does support immigration and they admit to it. There is nothing wrong with immigration at all.

Second, you can turn them off. So don't worry about it


The Time Erases

LeighAnn D2009-05-07T10:18:28Z

Who cares! If you don't like it then don't watch it! There are Americans who speak all kinds of languages and prefer one over the other. I know an American born family who speaks English and Spanish,but prefer to use Spanish in their own homes.There's nothing wrong with that.Why do people complain over the silliest things? Nobody is forcing you to watch that show.

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