Do you have any ideas as to how to organize a fundraiser. I need money because I would like to have a party for the youth at my church and the kid's ministry. We are a young church and I want to know how to raise money.......... God bless. Thank you
You can donate here if you feel led ......
Favorite Answer
I would recommend having a running event. People will come who don’t go to the church and are happy to donate $20 to run in the event.
I would recommend that you participate in a local run to see what is expected. Usually there is a 1 mile walk, 5k and 10k. T-shirts are provided and local businesses (banks, subway, etc) donate tickets sandwiches etc.
I own an online gift store that has a FREE Online Fundraising Program that is easy to start and maintiain and perfect with Father's Day around the corner.
Your church's youth ministry can earn 30% of the purchase price on 2,500+ gift items. It's also a great program that will allow you to raise money all year round and nationwide.
We can have you ready to raise money within two days and this can be your primary fundraiser or used to complement other fundraisers you plan to have. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I have provided a link my online gift store with information about my FREE Online Fundraising Program below.
S. Young, Owner Gifts For One Gifts For All Phone: (866) 991-GIFT (4438) Website: Email:
Gather your peeps. Have a brainstorming session. Gather things like homemade blankets, foodstuffs, and tickets for donations from local comapies that are lucky enough to have you ask them for them. Resturants, movie theaters, just go and ask and they'll give you something. It's a tax write off for them. Just make up some receipts to say that they donated to you.