Leg Cramps while sleeping?

When i'm sleeping my leg sometimes cramps up, it's excruciating until it goes away and i'm wondering, what, if anything can i do to stop this from happening. It happened for the first time in months last night. My parents said they get those too, but i've only ever gotten it in my right leg. Help is greatly apreciated.


SHMUCKY ICHC won't halp...

And Golfgirl, you'll probably get BA once i can choose.



Favorite Answer

It really depends on how often you get them? Depends on your weight as well. I would drink water day and night, and stretch your legs maybe do Yoga before you go to bed. This should help some on your leg cramps. Leg cramps are usually caused by built up of potassium in your legs. Also, eat fruit especially bannanas.

Poma-Poo owner2009-05-15T15:11:22Z

It is caused by a lack of potassium in your body.. bananas are the best method to increase your calcium. If you are on a blood pressure medication like myself you can't take a potassium supplement. My doctor told me to stretch my legs alot including the calf, thigh, and the muscles running from your heel to ankle. Plenty of exercise, water, stretching, and eating the foods with potassium should help.


I get that as well. It happens to me when i lay in a position where my legs are drawn up for awhile and then stretch it out. Im not sure if you can but try to sleep with your legs out more


I get them too. The doctor gave me a prescription for Potassium which helps a lot.


I've heard a lack of sodium in your body can cause leg cramps.

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